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SH73/Weedons Ross Road intersection looking north


What's coming up?

Night works

From this Sunday, 7 August, for about three weeks, between 6pm and 7am, we’ll be installing piping for the new stockwater race through the SH73/Weedons Ross Road intersection.

To make the most of this period of night work, we’ll also be installing ducting for the traffic signals, trenching for power and stormwater piping through the intersection.

We won’t be working on Friday and Saturday nights. However, as this work is weather dependent it may need to be rescheduled to the following night(s).

You can read more about this work, what to expect and traffic management impacts here

The work is being undertaken at night when traffic volumes are lower to avoid congestion and disruption. It is also safer for our work crews and road users.

During the day

The night work is in addition to other work during our standard Monday to Friday working days.

We’ll continue building a temporary link road between West Melton Road and Weedons Ross Road. This involves tree stump removal and earthworks. 
We’ll also start work on stormwater drainage and the relocation of services. The temporary road will help with ongoing traffic management and will become a shared path when the permanent link road is built in the summer.

We’ll also be working on stormwater drainage along the state highway.



What’s been happening?

During the past month or so Fulton Hogan has established their compound and the work site.

The location of services such as power, telecommunications and watermains were checked.

Work on the piping of the stockwater races around the intersection began.

Trenches were excavated and cables installed for the undergrounding of power services on Weedons Ross Road, north of the state highway intersection. This week, power was switched over to the new cables and the old poles and overhead lines removed.



The trees behind St Paul’s Church were felled and the land cleared enabling stockwater race piping, drainage work and road construction work to begin on the temporary link road between Weedons Ross Road and West Melton Road.




Early last month, representatives from Ngāi Te Rauhikihiki ki Taumutu held a blessing on the work site with staff from Waka Kotahi and Fulton Hogan.



Can we help?

Please contact Fulton Hogan on 0800 ROAD FH (0800 7623 34) Monday to Friday, 8am -
5pm, to discuss any specific access needs such as nurse/doctor visits or Meals on Wheels deliveries to your property.

Contact us at anytime if the matter is urgent.



More information


For more information on the West Melton Improvements project, contact us at

Visit our website
