The Interschools WA State Championships WILL proceed in accordance with the State Government COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Sport and Recreation (Community Sport).
Equestrian WA is in the process of developing a specific COVID-19 Safe Plan which will take into account any further Government directives closer to the date of the event.
Interschools countdown – only 7 days to go!
Only horses and ponies which are competing at Interschools are permitted on the SEC grounds from 20 -23 April 2022. Please do not bring your unbroken 2yo Warmblood colt which would you think would like the experience of the show.
The Provisional Draw for order of competition has been sent to all Interschool competitors. We are in the process of working through requested changes. We will try to accommodate what we can and the final draw will be published soon.
Show Horse Workouts - Show Horse - Working Hunter
Stable bookings - everyone who requested a stable has been allocated a stable and notifications have been sent out.
Helper Duties – we are still working on this. (Sorry is a bit tricky with so many tasks and timing to be factored in)
Bridle Number Holders – make sure you have them.
Dressage tests – make sure you learn the correct test for the class or classes you have entered. It would be awkward if you did a half-pass at B when you were just supposed to halt.
Measuring – measurers will be in attendance on Saturday 23 April 7am to 10am for measuring Interschool horses and ponies only. Please do not bring the aforesaid 2yo Warmblood colt.
Helmet tagging – make sure it’s done. Tagging will be available at Interschools.
Your Discipline Rules – make sure you know the Rules. There have been changes to the National Jumping Rules.
Opening Parade – in order to comply with State Government requirements, the 2sqm rule will apply in the Indoor Arena as will mask wearing.
Email – please read your email. It is our main form of communication to you.
Bring – your love of horses and sense of fun to Interschools.
Reminder that horses competing in the championship classes must be registered & riders must be EWA members.
Please note that the 2022 WA Interschools Championships will proceed as scheduled unless advised otherwise by the Government and public health authorities. Equestrian WA and the State Equestrian Centre will ensure that all reasonable care is taken into consideration and will adhere to the latest COVID-19 regulations to ensure that the event is safe for all involved