Local Update, 27 February 2023
Welcome to our weekly newsletter about mental health services and support available in Barnet and beyond. Also bringing you updates on Inclusion Barnet mental health news. Produced by Ed Peston, Communications Assistant.
Inclusion Barnet Events and News
Job vacancy – Healthwatch Manager (peer role)We’re hiring for a new Manager to lead our Healthwatch Barnet team! This is an exciting opportunity for someone with lived experience of disability (which could include a long term condition or mental health issue) to lead a small team in the delivery of Barnet’s statutory Healthwatch function. Job Title: Manager, Healthwatch Barnet (peer role) Full-time: Permanent, Full-time Location: NW9, London (Hybrid) Salary: £37,500 – £39,000 per year, pro rata for part time Closing date: 2nd March 2023 at 23:30 More information about Job vacancy – Healthwatch Manager (peer role) and apply
Events and News from the Web
A-Fest Online 2023, Late February to Early March, (From Nicola Brooks)A Festival Celebrating Autism & Autistic Individuals. Events including Parenting Autistic Teenagers, and Meaningful Social Communication Without Masking. Book A-Fest Online 2023
Valuing Every Mind: A Roundtable on Muslim Mental Health in Schools, Wednesday 1 March, 11.00am - 12.30pm, (From Muslim Mind Collaborative)Teachers are telling us that a mental health epidemic is emerging amongst school aged children. We know that 1 in 12 children in British schools are Muslim, and evidence further suggests that mental health issues are both more frequent and chronic amongst young Muslims, who are also less likely to seek help. The topic of Muslim mental health in schools, with all of its nuance, remains an unspoken and forgotten issue that should
be part of a wider, national conversation. Muslim Mind Collaborative, a collection of organisations from a broad range of sectors aimed at supporting Muslim mental well-being are working to address this burgeoning issue. Book Valuing Every Mind: A Roundtable on Muslim Mental Health in Schools
Free Workshop: Managing Wellbeing and Mental Health Recovery, Wednesday 1 March, 10.00am - 12.00pm (From Mid West Aries)In this workshop you will build oyur knowledge of recovery and well-being in mental health and improve your understanding of how the mental health service works. Book Free Workshop: Managing Wellbeing and Mental Health Recovery
Barnet CarersBarnet Carers provides support and information for unpaid, informal, carers across the London Borough of Barnet. Includes yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Read about and book Barnet Carers Events
Mindful Carers 6 Week Resilience Programme Online, Thursday 2 March, 7.00 - 9.00pm (From Action Mental Health)The 'Mindful Carers' programme is design to support positive mental health, improve wellbeing and build resilience for adult carers. Book Mindful Carers 6 Week
Resilience Programme Online
Hub Connections (from Barnet Wellbeing Service)Hub Connections is back this year on 2nd March 2023 between 10am-12.30pm at The Meritage Centre, Church End. The Barnet Wellbeing Service will be working with the North Central London Cancer Alliance to raise awareness of certain cancers. There will be guest speakers in attendance including industry specialists and local support services and you will hear updates from The Barnet Wellbeing service. There will also be an opportunity to network with local services in the community with lunch and refreshments. Please register
your attendance here. We Look forward to seeing you there!
Understanding & Supporting Trans Children & Young People, Monday 27 February, 3.00 - 5.00pm, (From UK Youth)Join Allsorts Youth Project to explore some of the challenges experienced by young people who are trans, or exploring their gender identity. Book Understanding
& Supporting Trans Children & Young People
Gym culture and eating disorder prevention and recovery, Thursday 2 March, 12.00 - 1.30pm (From First Steps ED)Eating disorders occur in people of all ages, genders and backgrounds, including those who are regarded by society as being extremely fit and 'healthy'. With the rise of social media and the popularity of fitness communities online, individuals are increasingly exposed to new pressures to conform to the body ideals we see online, as well as compete with the latest fitness challenges. Book Gym culture and eating disorder prevention and recovery
Free Workshop: Let's Talk Resilience, Thursday 2 March, 10.00am - 12.00pm (From Mid West Aries)In this workshop you will discuss your understanding of what resilience means and why it is important for mental health and well-being. You will discuss and experience personal tools and skills that can be applied in your life now and in the future to be resilient people. Book Free Workshop: Let's Talk Resilience
Free Workshop: Creativity for Wellbeing, Tuesday 28 February, 2.00 - 4.00pm (From Mid West Aries)Join this workshop where they discuss how you can each tap into your creativity to enhance your daily life and improve your wellbeing. Book Free Workshop: Creativity for
Self Care Strategies: Beat your busy life overwhelm, Monday 27 February, 7.00 - 8.30pm (From Lashara Wood and Katy Neale)90 minutes of deepening your self care practices and exploring the self care strategies that actually help you prevent burn out. Book Self Care
Strategies: Beat your busy life overwhelm
CommUNITY Barnet AGM - Connecting Communities (From Community Barnet), Thursday 16 March, 4.00 - 6.00pmCommUNITY Barnet Annual General Meeting will take place online on Zoom. All are welcome. They have a packed agenda, with a range of speakers on current and important issues, including safeguarding, emergencies, mental wellbeing and disabilities. It’s an opportunity to connect with other community organisations, residents, and staff from statutory services. Book CommUNITY Barnet AGM - Connecting Communities
How to involve men in service design, delivery and research, Tuesday 28 February, 11.30am - 1.00pm (From The Working Together Partnership)A webinar focusing on men's mental health and how health and care providers and patients and service users, can best work effectively together. Book How to involve men in service design, delivery and research
Online ADHD Support Group (From Tim Kiver Foundation), Tuesday 14 March, 7.30 - 9.00pmA safe place for anyone interested in ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in ANY way to share experiences and learn more about: • What ADHD is • How ADHD affects peoples every day life • Ways to manage ADHD symptoms • How to seek medical help for ADHD • The Facts and Fiction that surround ADHD Book Online ADHD Support Group
International Wellbeing Support Group (From Rain on Me), Monday 6 March, 5.30pmA free, international safe space to vent and grow with people who understand and accept you. Book International Wellbeing Support Group
Insight into Creative Psychotherapy (Expressing Emotions Creatively) (From Holistic Wellness Community), Monday 27 February, 6.00 - 7.00pmA chance to express yourself creatively, using creative therapeutic techniques and exercises facilitated by Dramatherapist Emma-Jo. These classes provide insight into ways you can include creativity in your life to help process emotions, trauma, to aid healing, stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and more, within creative methods to aid safety. Guided meditations will be used throughout and a chance to check in with yourself,
providing a space to just 'be' in a world where we are constantly having to 'do'. Book Insight into Creative Psychotherapy
Singing For Mindfulness and Mental Wellbeing (From Holistic Wellness Community), Wednesday 1 March, 6.00 - 7.00pmAn hour of singing for the soul. Victoria will share with you some short, simple but deeply nourishing or uplifting songs that will go in easily, no matter what your experience. Attendees are muted for the songs which means you can sing out loud without any inhibition! And even ad lib over the top if you want! Attendees can also keep videos off if preferable. Book Singing For Mindfulness and Mental Wellbeing
Podcast: The Dating Professors: Dating and Mental Health (From Strangers on the Internet)Irina and Michelle discuss how to handle mental health issues in dating and relationships. Given that half of the population will receive a mental health diagnosis at some point in their lives, to what extent does there continue to be meaningful stigma around this issue? How early in dating should you disclose a mental health condition? Listen to Podcast: The Dating Professors: Dating and Mental Health
10 things to know about how social media affects teens' brains (From NPR)The statistics are sobering. Nearly 1 in 3 teen girls report having seriously considered suicide in the past year. One in 5 teens identifying as LGBTQ+ say they attempted suicide in that time. Between 2009 and 2019, depression rates doubled for all teens. And that was before the COVID-19 pandemic. The question is: Why now? Read 10 things to know about how social media affects teens' brains
Mental Health Is A Workplace Priority, But What Are We Missing? (From Forbes)A quick search on any internet platform will identify mental health and well-being as a main priority for employers and another quick search can find a long list of ways to improve your employees' mental well-being. However, despite this increased focus on employee mental health, well-being and efforts by employers to offer support and services, employees continue to struggle. Read Mental Health Is A Workplace Priority, But What Are We Missing?
Enjoying nature close to home linked with the greatest sense of well-being during pandemic (From News Medical Life Sciences)Again and again, studies have shown that exposure to nature can improve human mental health and well-being. A new study from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology dug a little deeper, looking at what kind of nature experiences were associated with a greater sense of well-being during the COVID pandemic. Their findings, published in the journal
People and Nature, suggest that enjoying nature close to home was associated with the greatest sense of well-being, compared to longer, more intense nature excursions, or nature experienced second-hand through various media. Read Enjoying nature close to home linked with the greatest sense of well-being during pandemic
Building FriendshipBuilding Friendship is a free weekly drop in every Friday for those with mental health difficulties. Meet at East Barnet Baptist Church hall, EN4 8PS. Come along for a cup of coffee and a friendly chat between 10am and 12noon. For more information email: buildingfriendship@gmail.com. Or leave a message with your name and contact number on 020 8449 5320.
Mind and Mood Support GroupMind & Mood Support Group has returned to face to face meetings at 55 Christchurch Avenue, London N12 0DG. To enquire about becoming a new member, please contact either Peter or Sandra below. Peter Sartori e: petersartori@virginmedia.com
Sandra Turner e:santana.turner01@gmail.com Both Peter Sartori and Sandra Turner have extensive experience of the mental health system.
We are an independent support group, run by ex service users, for service users, their carers and supporters.
Weekly online social group from Mind in Enfield and Barnet, Fridays from 6.00 - 7.00pmThis group takes place by Zoom, and the session is broken up into a few casual activities such as: Catch up about each other’s week
Play a quiz where everybody provides 3 questions
Share and discuss TV, movies and news that has inspired us this week If you would like to attend, please email Sam Brown at sambrown@mindeb.org.uk
www.inclusionbarnet.org.uk We are a Peer-Led Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisation
(DDPO). Nearly all of our directors and staff have lived experience of disability, including mental health issues and/or long-term health conditions. We believe that learning to use our lived experience for social change is a skill. We have become experts in harnessing the lived experience of our staff, members,
volunteers and the people who use our services to design and deliver higher quality, more person-centred services. Other services run by Inclusion Barnet that you might be interested in are: Benefits Advice Service (supporting disabled people in Barnet to access the benefits they are entitled to). Touchpoint (supports people experiencing any form of disability in Barnet to access the services and resources they need). Healthwatch Barnet (an independent, statutory organisation dedicated to improving health and social care services in Barnet). For more information about the wider range of other work we do please visit our website www.inclusionbarnet.org.uk
Useful links for mental health and wellbeing
Click on the title to go to the individual websites. LOCAL (*BEH-MHT = Barnet, Enfield Haringay - Mental Health Trust) LONDON & NATIONAL - The Help Hub - free online emotional support sessions
- Good Thinking - free online Mental Wellbeing for London
- Kooth - free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
- Qwell - free online safe and confidential space to share & support
Shout - free, 24/7 text messaging support - text SHOUT to 85258 - Samaritans - free phone & email support in a crisis
- Useful links from Sussex University - lots of useful links to MH resources
Independent Living Centre, c/o Barnet & Southgate College,
7 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4BR
Inclusion Barnet is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Registered Charity Number: 1158632