Dear UNITY Members,Let’s make 2024 the sweetest year for UNITY yet! We need you, our UNITY members, to really raise the dough during our 2024 Stewardship Appeal. During this appeal we’ll be sharing stories from the ever-expanding circles of UNITY that reach members both within our own church and the larger community. We are egg-cited to share a look into the good people working for UNITY, the impact of our congregational ministries and, of course, our partnerships within the surrounding community. We thank you for your past pledges and funds. Because of your generous and faithful gifts, our church can keep doing what love requires of us by nurturing life-giving, joyful ministries both inside and outside our church walls. As many know 2024 will be a year of many changes for UNITY and so we are looking to whip up another strong financial response. We are challenging ourselves with the goal of 300 pledges by December 15 because pledges are essential to our ability to budget and plan. We know the recipe for success will look different for everyone but we ask that you consider a 6.7% increase in your giving for 2024 that would help accomplish our goals. If you feel especially able, could you consider 10%? If you want to do more but not that much, a 3.3% increase gets us half-way! This next year we’re looking to share pieces of the pie with the hardworking employees already at UNITY and those we’re still looking to add to our faith family. We also still have the goal of restoring benevolent support of our partners from its current level of 12.5% to the previous strong level of 14.2%. Included with this letter is a brief FAQ that includes details on submitting your pledge. Please review and feel free to reach out with further inquiries. Once you’ve completed your pledge online or in person, indulge your sweet tooth with a treat after the church services on the weekends of November 18-19 or December 2-3. Thank you for making UNITY a batter place with every bit of dough you contribute and every prayer you give here and beyond in Christ’s name. Sincerely, Your 2024 Stewardship Team Trisha Smith, chair. Steve Taipala, Brian Olsson, and Kelsey Morrison When can I submit my pledge? Our 2024 pledge drive begins on Saturday, November 18th. Our goal is 300 pledges by Friday, December 15th. Pledges given anytime are helpful. Pledges received before year-end are the most helpful to UNITY’s 2024 budgeting and planning. Where and how do I submit a pledge? The best place to submit your pledge is on our website here. Printed pledge sheets are available in either the COL or CTK narthex. What is the funding focus for 2024? This year we’re focusing on the largest piece of the pie in our UNITY budget, the employee salaries. These costs continue to rise for UNITY to stay competitive in hiring new staff and retaining the wonderful staff we have. We also are looking for pledges so we can continue to offer the variety of congregational ministries we have at UNITY and maintain our valued partnerships serving the broader community. Ideally, we can restore benevolent support of our partners from its current level of 12.5% to the previous strong level of 14.2%. What is the pledge goal for 2024? We have set the challenge of collecting 300 pledges for 2024 giving by Friday, December 15. Do I need to update my Time and Talent form? If you wish to fill out a Time & Talent form, you may do so at any time by clicking on the right-side tab on the Stewardship page of our website. Volunteering to help is always a win-win! Please know that in 2024 we will do a separate appeal for T & T during the Lenten season. I already give electronically, do I need to submit a pledge? YES! We’re doing things a little differently than previous years and asking all UNITY members, including those utilizing the EFT/CC giving option, to make a pledge during our appeal. The automatic nature of the EFT/CC giving is great, but tends to result in less annual increases in giving then members giving through others ways. How do I know what I gave or pledged last year? Also, I don’t remember my envelope number and I need that to complete my pledge. What do I do? You can find all of this on our main Stewardship page. Click here and then scroll to where it says “Check your 2023 General Fund Giving. In the same spot you’ll also see “Find My Envelope #.” If you don’t know your envelope number, enter any e-mail address you believe we have on file with us and our system will associate that email with your envelope number. You can then go to “Check Your General Fund Giving for 2023” and the system will email your four most recent years of pledging and/or giving so you can review your own giving pattern. What’s with all the sweet talk? Well, we think you’re all sweet and we know everyone loves a good sweet treat. Once you’ve pledged (either in person or online), you’ll get to pick up a sweet after the church services on the weekends of November 18-19 or |