No images? Click here April 28, 2022 NRB CEO Troy A. Miller Attends NAB ShowTens of thousands of broadcasters gathered in Las Vegas, Nevada, this week for the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Convention, where attendees network and participate in program sessions on industry trends in media, entertainment, and technology. “NAB and NRB often have common policy interests for broadcasters that we can work jointly on such as the Local Radio Freedom Act,” Miller said. "I look forward to continuing our partnership with NAB.” Miller also met with Salem Media Group CEO Dave Santrella, who serves as chairman of the NAB Joint Board of Directors and a member of the NRB Board of Directors. He was delighted to meet with several other NRB members attending the NAB convention. NAB represents the nation’s radio and television industries and is the largest association of broadcasters. Top StoriesJoni and Friends Celebrates 40 Years of Radio MinistryNRB celebrates Joni and Friends’ 40th anniversary of radio ministry and the success of over 10,000 episodes aired! “Joni Eareckson Tada’s life and ministry, especially demonstrated through her radio programs, are a beacon of hope to those suffering and seeking,” said NRB CEO Troy A. Miller. “Through decades of skillful Christian communication, she is leaving an immense impact on the world and has changed the course of disability ministry forever.” NRB Hosts Live Online Conversation on Contemporary AntisemitismA live, online conversation with Dr. Susan Michael, USA director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), and EJ Kimball, director of Christian outreach and engagement at Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM), explored the escalation of contemporary antisemitism and the crucial role that Christians play in opposing this form of hatred. At the 2022 NRB Christian media convention in Nashville, Tennessee, NRB’s board of directors approved a resolution renewing NRB’s commitment to fighting antisemitism and emphasizing the opportunity for Christian media professionals to engage on this issue. In follow-up to the news-making Israel breakfast and resolution on combatting antisemitism, NRB director of public policy and communications Noelle Garnier held a live conversation with Michael and Kimball to discuss topics including accurately defining antisemitism, the history and present reality of the “oldest hatred,” and how Christian communicators can stand together against antisemitism. NRB Opposes Activist Judicial NomineeOn April 26, NRB announced its opposition to the confirmation of Nancy Abudu to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. “Ms. Abudu’s professional and legal record demonstrate that she is a political activist and an unsuitable nominee to the second highest court system in the United States,” said NRB CEO Troy A. Miller in a press release. “Ms. Abudu, if confirmed in her nomination to the Eleventh Circuit, would be obliged to serve as an impartial arbiter of facts and the law as a federal judge. But Ms. Abudu’s professional commitment to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) suggests hostility to the First Amendment rights of organizations like our membership. As a professional association representing the interests of Christian communicators, including those directly targeted by the SPLC, we are greatly concerned by the nomination of an individual in senior management at the disreputable SPLC to the federal bench.” NRB Weighs in on H.R.69, the “Sunshine Protection Act”Earlier this month, NRB sent a letter to Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, offering industry insight regarding H.R.69, the “Sunshine Protection Act,” legislation which would make daylight savings time permanent. NRB outlined the impacts that this measure would have on AM radio, including drastic change to the morning drive daypart in certain seasons, and urged further research on this issue. NRB Member News• First Liberty Institute Represents Coach Kennedy in First Amendment case at U.S. Supreme Court NRB RemindersView Images From #NRB2022!NRB 2022 convention photos are available to view and share on the NRB Association Flickr account! Shared these images on social media courtesy of NRB. Don’t forget to tag @nrbconvention! Industry Trends and Insights• Extending Daylight Saving Time Could Hurt AM Radio |