Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

SH76 Brougham Street upgrade

20 May 2024


Announcement on funding

New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has been working with Joint Ministers on NZ Upgrade Programme (NZUP) projects, which were identified for Crown funding in 2020. 

The Government confirmed in an announcement on 13 May that the NZUP will receive no new funding, and NZTA has been delegated authority to manage the current projects within the existing baseline funding of $6.54 billion.

The SH76 Brougham Street upgrade was assessed alongside other projects, and given the funding constraints, the Government has confirmed this project will not be funded for construction at this time.

As we progressed the design for the Brougham Street upgrade, it confirmed that to finish the entire upgrade, additional funding would be needed. The Government has been clear that the programme will receive no new funding.

The Ministers have confirmed that NZTA is to complete delivery of projects currently in construction and procurement at a cost of around $6 billion. A further two projects will be delivered, which are the Rolleston upgrade and Waihoehoe Road in the north island.

The draft Government Policy Statement on land transport sets out the Government’s land transport priorities during the next ten years and NZTA is aligning with these priorities within the available funding. 

For NZUP projects in Canterbury, construction of the SH75 Halswell Road improvements has recently started and improvements on SH73 West Melton have been completed.

While the Brougham Street upgrade will not progress to construction at this time, we will continue with the design and consenting, so the project is delivery-ready in future years. Further delivery decisions will be made on this and other projects in future years subject to affordability.

We acknowledge this news may be disappointing for the community and people who have been involved in this project over a number of years.

We’ll continue to keep you updated on any future developments and opportunities for further involvement.



More information


For more information on the SH76 Brougham Street upgrade project, contact us at bm@nzta.govt.nz