Close to Home
ISSUE 68 | WINTER 2024
Age is just a number for local Timaru Legend
Kāinga Ora home a place to make new memories
The impact of blessing new homes for Tairāwhiti whāna
Winter health and wellness for you and your whānau
Rheumatic fever
100,000 native plants to help grow local careers
Growing kai and communities
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Age is just a number for local Timaru legend
In his hometown of Timaru, John is better known by his alter ego, Scooterman.
John, a Kāinga Ora customer, earned that moniker because he scooters everywhere around Timaru and because his renowned online videos draw attention to everything from footpath maintenance and litter problems to questionable displays of driving.
Kāinga Ora home a place to make new memories
Blenheim mum Maria and her whānau gather around the dining table in the kitchen of their Kāinga Ora home every day, connecting with each other over kai.
“It’s very important to have breakfast, lunch and tea at the table together,” Maria says.
The impact of blessing new homes for Tairāwhiti whānau
Morehu has blessed many of the 90 new homes Kāinga Ora has built in Gisborne in the last two years. As a kaikarakia based in Tairāwhiti, he knows that a blessing is a very important part of providing homes for whānau who haven’t had anywhere suitable to live.
“Before anyone moves in, we perform karakia and walk through the homes touching the walls and sprinkling water. This is done to cleanse the home and implant mauri (spiritual energy) into the whare (house).”
Winter health and wellness for you and your whānau
Prepare for winter, protect yourself and your whānau, ask and act quickly if you get sick.
To prepare, getting the flu vaccination is our first line of defence. This is free for those most likely to get very sick – including everyone aged 65 and over. See bookmyvaccine.health.nz or call 0800 28 29 26.
Winter Fire Safety
Every year, colder weather means more house fires happen across Aotearoa.
See a fire before it starts
A metre from the heater – keep everything at a safe distance
It’s tempting to hang winter laundry near a heater. But unless it’s a metre away, your clothes are a fire waiting to happen.
A clean dryer avoids a fire – remove lint before every use
If your dryer’s filter fills with lint, it can easily catch fire.
Remove the risk by getting rid of lint build up before every use.
Cool ash before you stash – fireplace ash holds heat for up to five days and can spark new fires
Always soak it with water in a metal bucket before binning it.
For more information visit fireandemergency.nz/
Rheumatic fever prevention
Get sore throats checked
Rheumatic fever starts with a sore throat that is known as ‘strep throat’. Most sore throats get better on their own after about four days. But if strep throat is not treated with antibiotics, it can cause rheumatic fever in at-risk children and young people.
All sore throats in Māori and Pacific children and young people (aged 4-19 years) need to be checked, especially if you live in Northland, Auckland, around Rotorua and Taupō, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne and the East Coast, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, or Hutt Valley.
Helping you and your family stay warm and healthy
We spend a lot of time in our homes over winter, and we enjoy that more if we feel warm and dry. Be sure to heat bedrooms and other rooms you spend time in. Remember, drier air is easier and cheaper to heat, and stopping moisture building up helps prevent mould.
100,000 native plants to help grow local careers
Over the next three years, the Environmental Cadetship programme will help local residents from eastern Porirua gain valuable qualifications and on-the-job training, while seeing more than 100,000 native plants planted through Bothamley and Cannons Creek parks.
The programme is a collaboration of Te Rā Nui – Eastern Porirua Development partners (Kāinga Ora, Porirua City Council and Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira) along with local jobs and skills providers Le Fale, Mahi Toa and Rāranga Building Careers.
Growing kai and communities
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your food basket and my food basket our people will thrive
Kāinga Ora customer and mum of two Sazshia is now busy raising veggies alongside her children, thanks to a partnership between the Manawatū Food Action Network, UCOL and Kāinga Ora.
Planter boxes are built by students at UCOL in Palmerston North as part of their building and construction course, and delivered and installed by the Manawatū Food Action Network. To keep the vegetables and whanau thriving, the food action group also provides
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