President's MessageJon Townsend, DVM, PhD, DABVP (Dairy Practice), President Welcome back my fellow Diplomates! Just like that, another month has flown by and we’re into April. I hope that all of you are doing well. As I have told you before, spring is my favorite season of the year. Here in Indiana spring has definitely sprung - I finally had to submit to adult peer pressure and start mowing lawns this past week. Although I am horrified by the potential for a late, albeit light, snowfall tomorrow, I am still thrilled to see all the signs of spring around me. The redbuds are blooming, the red-winged blackbirds have returned and are spending time in the cattails around our farm pond, and I’m seeing photos of calves, lambs, and kids from friends of mine in addition to our doe having two perfect doelings last week. Spring is here no matter what tomorrow brings. The birth or rebirth that occurs this time every year always brings joy and amazement to my soul. I hope all of you get a chance to get out and enjoy a little bit of the miracle of spring. So why am I spouting all of this? Just like nature and the rebirth that we see in spring, I am feeling a similar sense of rebirth for us in our day-to-day lives and ABVP. We have weathered an unexpected and depressing year. I am starting to feel like a more normal world is getting close to returning. With vaccinations starting to make a difference (thank you, science!) I really am optimistic about the summer and beyond. As part of our rebirth, I am excited about the annual ABVP Symposium in New Orleans September 16th through the 19th. While we will have to wait and see what local restrictions may be placed upon us as to room capacities, we are going forward with an in-person Symposium. I am excited for the possibility of finally getting a chance to again see many fellow Diplomates that I call friends in person. It has been too long. The Symposium planning committee, led by the incredible Dr. Carondelet Nollner, have continued to work through many obstacles and have put together another great program. I hope many of you will consider attending the Symposium this fall as a chance to finally see colleagues in person rather than on a computer screen! While the past year has been tough, ABVP has continued to think about the future. A big part of that is seriously looking at where we need to be in the future and how we get there. The Board of Directors and the Council of Regents will be participating in Strategic Planning sessions that will produce a useful and strong strategic plan that we can use to guide us in the future. Our plan is to have this plan in place by the end of my term so Dr. Folger can have that off his plate and start utilizing it for guidance. Once again, I hope you all get a chance to get out and enjoy the beauty of spring. I am forever thankful for this opportunity to serve the best veterinarians that I know. Stay well at your end of the barn! Jon The Outreach Committee Needs YOUDo you like to meet new people, have a positive impact on veterinarians, and veterinary medicine? If so, ABVP needs you. Our specialty is run by Diplomates just like you, who stepped up with a willingness to learn and a desire to help. The Outreach Committee is looking for volunteers to help with social media , student outreach, and mentoring applicants. Additionally, we will need a new Committee Chair, as I will be stepping down after an adventurous 5 years. You will have the support of the committee members, the other committee chairs as well as our amazing Executive Director, Marisa Hackemann. Your travel to the Symposium is paid for, as you attend an in-person committee meeting the day prior to Symposium- which is a great help with expenses! Please email me to let me know if you are interested and for more details! Brita Kiffney, DVM, DABVP Canine and Feline Practice Unintended Bias Still Exists in Admission ProcessThe Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) released a study that finds unintended bias still exists in the admission process at member veterinary medical schools. The study recommends that schools focus on overcoming barriers to admission based on factors of race/ ethnicity, gender, culture and socioeconomics. Study authors, Dr. Lisa M. Greenhill and Dr. James W. Lloyd compiled and analyzed data from the 2018-2019 post application cycle and wrote, “….These findings signal a very real need to reexamine admission processes. Schools and colleges of veterinary medicine should objectively and rigorously review their admissions processes…. that may be the source of inherent bias against particular groups of applicants." Residency and Job PostingsDon’t forget ABVP has classified listings for open positions all over the USA! Event Calendar 2021-2022July 1, 2021
July 15, 2021
September 1, 2021
September 15, 2021
September 16-19, 2021
January 15, 2022