No images? Click here A framework by which the LCANZ could operate as one church with two different practices of ordination has been released for information, engagement, and discussion in church communities. The Way Forward Framework will be refined and finalised by mid-June, prior to publication in the General Synod Book of Reports. To share this eNews with your congregation, Mission leaders and practitioners met in Sydney last month to work out how to pool their expertise, experience and resources to reinvigorate mission culture in the LCANZ. The Safe Church training program has been updated and improved based on feedback. Level 1 training now consists of two brief sessions and a self-paced online version is available. A live online format has also been introduced for those who prefer a Iive training experience. Scheduled training sessions are available during May. Read more Nominations for positions on the boards, councils, commissions and committees of the LCANZ are now open. Appointment to these governance bodies is for a synodical term. Governance body members who wish to continue in their role also need to submit a nomination before 30 June 2024. Read more General Synod delegate details and fees reminder If your LCANZ parish has not yet submitted your General Synod delegate details and paid your delegate fee, please do so as soon as possible as these are now overdue. The sale listing of the church’s North Adelaide properties – occupied by Australian Lutheran College and the LCA Churchwide Office – has attracted local and international interest from a wide range of potential buyers. Few people can say they have served in a role for 70 years but Hedley Scholz can! Hedley, 89, was recognised earlier this month for seven decades of volunteering as a lay reader for his Lutheran community at Eudunda in country South Australia. Read more
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