No images? Click here April 2022Hi It remains unclear what aspects of the thematic SENs will be taken forward by Social Enterprise Scotland (SES) when it forms the new Enhanced Single Intermediary for Social Enterprise from 1st July 22. I’m therefore unable to provide an update to Health SEN and Community Food SEN members at this stage on future thematic activity. However, before I finish up with SENScot in June, I’m organising a joint Health and Community Food SEN session (via Zoom) on Tuesday 24th May, 2.00-3.30pm. This session is open to all Health & Community Food SEN members and aims to provide an opportunity to consider the future of the Health and Community Food SENs moving forward. Chris Martin (SES Chief Executive) will attend the session to provide an update on what aspects of thematic work that will be taken forward. I am hopeful that this will also provide an opportunity for SEN members to share their views on how the Enhanced Single Intermediary for Social Enterprise should promote and support the valuable work of social enterprise in health & wellbeing, social care and community food. This session will also provide information to SEN members on other health and community food support, resources and networks available post June, with Public Health Scotland (Community Food Health Scotland), Scottish Communities for Health & Wellbeing, CHEX and Outside the Box also attending. If you would like to attend the joint Health & Community Food SEN session on Tuesday 24th May, please let me know. Mary SEN Sessions and Community Learning Exchanges
Social Enterprise Counselling Service Providers Rural SEN Session (Tues 10th May, 2- 3.30pm) Cultural and Creative SEN Session (Tues 10th May, 10.30am) Joint Health & Community Food SEN Session (Tues 24th May, 2-3.30pm) Employability SEN Session: Opportunities and Support (Thu May 26th, 1-2.30pm) In-person Community Learning Exchange with Cranhill Development Trust (Wed 18th May) In-person Community Learning Exchange with Eat Sleep Ride CIC (Thur 26th May) In-person Community Learning Exchange with The Larder (Livingston) (Tues 7th June) Other Networking Opportunities