UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) – UK Govt has now published its full SPF prospectus. In Scotland, delivery will be supported through the eight Regional Economic Partnerships (City & Growth Deal areas), however the 32 individual Local Authorities will each have a funding allocation with a total Scottish value of circa £212m over the next three years available to support three key investment priorities – Community & Place, Supporting Local Businesses, and People & Skills. Unlike in England, funding will be available to support the People & Skills priority in
Scotland from later this year with an outline timetable presented indicating first approvals & funding available from October ’22. More info on SPF in Scotland here and allocations (by region and local authority) in Scotland here. With an investment plan submissions window: 30 June 2022 to 1 August 2022, the timetable indicates that engagement sessions with local authorities & other partners to support development of investment plans should commence this month.
The National Lottery Community Fund has recently launched their Strategic Renewal process, which will help shape how they invest in communities in the future. They want to hear from you to ensure they continue to effectively support communities across the UK to prosper and thrive. Share what matters to you and your community through their survey here.
As they review their funding offer and develop new programmes, TNLCF is closing their Community Led and Improving Lives programmes from 30 Sept 2022, with their new portfolio launched in early 2023. National Lottery Awards for All, Young Start and Scottish Land Fund are not part of
this review and will remain open to applications. More here.
Ballie Gifford - Up to £15K, over three years to deliver projects that support the most vulnerable in our society. The fund's priorities include reducing isolation, supporting people financially through food and work poverty initiatives, improving employability and enterprise (particularly for young people), and tackling homelessness in communities. Deadline - 28 April.
Volant Charitable Trust - up to £15,000/yr (max of 3 years) to projects supporting women, children and young people at risk. Apply before 12:00 on 29 April.
People's Postcode Trust funding: Up to £25,000, and available to Community Interest Companies and community benefit societies for the first time. Rounds open at 9am at the beginning of each month. A limited number of applicants are accepted each
round. Next round opens on 2 May. NOTE – they accept a limited number of applications in each round, their most recent funding round closed after 3 hours.
The Triangle Trust's Young Carer Grants will support work that amplifies the impact of existing work with young carers (up to the age of 25) and enables your existing support to develop or go further. This might mean adding an education component to what you
already do or increasing the work you are currently doing around education and young carers/young adult carers - apply by 06 May.
Regional Food Fund - Grants of up to £5,000 are offered to support projects and initiatives that promote the development of food and drink across Scotland. Projects that celebrate locally sourced and produced food and drink are being encouraged to apply. Deadline 5pm on 9th May.
SSE Resilient Communities Fund (North of Scotland) - for communities to become more resilient in severe weather and prolonged power interruptions. Grants up to £20,000. Deadline - 13 May.
SSE’s Royal London Changemakers Programme includes a £20,000 grant, two years of support, 1-2-1 expert consultancy and learning sessions with other social entrepreneurs in the same sector. Plus the chance to collaborate and build a relationship with Royal London, the UK’s largest mutual, life pensions and investment
company. Deadline - 17 May. Online info sessions on the same link.
The Creative Breaks programme provides 12-month grants to third sector organisations to develop and deliver short breaks projects and services for carers of adults (aged 21 years and over), and young carers (caring for children or adults), and the people that they care for. Deadline - 19 May at 5pm.
The Gordon and Ena Baxter
Foundation - supports a variety of capital projects, funding projects from charities that cover one or more of the following areas: Education, Health, Care, Sport, Arts and Heritage, and Conservation and Environment. The geographical area for funding has been extended to cover communities in the North East of Scotland and the Highlands & Islands. Deadline - 27th May.
FCC Scottish Action Fund offers funding to projects through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF) and will consider applications across all types of projects included in the SLCF: Land Reclamation, Community Recycling, Public Amenities and Parks,
Biodiversity and Historic Buildings - closing date: 08 June.
Matthew Good Foundation - Charities, voluntary groups or social enterprises that have an average annual income of less than £50,000 can apply for a grant of up to £5,000 Every three months five organisations will share a pot of £10,000 - the next deadline is 15th June.
Arnold Clark Community Fund – up to £1000 for
registered UK charities and local community groups continue their important work during this challenging time. Closing date: 30 June.
Historic Environment Scotland’s Heritage & Place Programme is an area-based funding programme that aims to contribute to the development of vibrant and sustainable places in Scotland, through community-led regeneration of the historic environment. It supports the development and delivery of heritage-focused schemes within conservation areas, or alternatively distinctive heritage areas with local authority recognition. Community participation is integral to the design and delivery of successful
schemes your objectives should fit within the local authority's strategic framework for Place and Regeneration - apply by 31 July 2022.
The Essentia Foundation - with grants of between £500 and £3,000 Essentia provides financial support to improve the health and social welfare of children and young people up to the age of 25 years old and also seeks to increase opportunities for training, enhancing learning, upskilling and developing career opportunities and supporting young people towards employment.
Force for Change - Opening in April 2022, this programme will award grants of up to £10,000 for community projects that reduce isolation and promote integration; supporting post-Covid recovery in local Armed Forces communities affected by isolation.
Magic Little Grants - awarding £500 grants through a quick 10 minute application. Organisations must either be in their first year of operation or have an annual income under £250,000. Funding can be used to launch new projects, support
existing ones, or cover core costs associated with ongoing work.
The Weavers’ Company Benevolent Fund - principal aim is to support people in trouble, particularly young offenders and ex-offenders, as well as other disadvantaged young people. Up to £15K with grants normally awarded for one year and preference given to pump priming new projects, for smaller organisations. Deadline – 14th July
Inspiring Scotland: Workforce Wellbeing Fund - Grants up to £10,000 funded by the Scottish Government are available for public, private and voluntary sector organisations to support the cost of activities that will improve the wellbeing of staff engaged in delivering adult social work and adult social care. Apply before 29 July.
St. Nicholas Care Fund - Grants up to £5,000 for small organisations working within disadvantaged communities in Glasgow to meet an identified social need, especially among vulnerable people. They can support one-off
costs like equipment or an event but cannot cover core running costs. Apply any time.
Drugs Services Funds Micro Funds. These are for small community-based groups (income up top £50K) which deliver frontline services to support people who use or used drugs, people in recovery and families affected by someone else’s drug use. Rolling programme.