NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

SH23/SH39 intersection safety improvements

Project update

10 December 2024


The intersection of State Highway 23 and State Highway 39 in Whatawhata was identified as high-risk and options to make it safer were investigated.



Project not funded to proceed

In 2023, we completed a feasibility study investigating safety improvements for the SH23/SH39 intersection. This was followed by the detailed design phase and the project was then put forward for construction funding.

The Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024 (GPS 2024) changes how NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi invests in safety across the highway network. Safety remains a priority objective in GPS 2024, with safety embedded across all investments. 

Funding has now been considered as part of the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) and this project has not been prioritised to be funded.

The NLTP determines where funding is prioritised across the state highway network across all investments – programmes and projects – and how we invest in road safety has changed. Our focus is on delivering safe roading infrastructure via the Roads of National Significance and Roads of Regional Significance, providing enhanced maintenance and highway resilience as well as increased support for NZ Police enforcement.

This means several state highway safety improvements projects at various stages in planning have been reprioritised to meet investment objectives and available funding, including the SH23/SH39 intersection safety improvements project.

NZTA plans for the long-term and the design and planning work for this project will be kept for future assessment.



Thank you

NZTA sincerely thanks everyone who has been involved in this project, and provided valuable insight and feedback during planning stages.

We value ongoing conversations with our transport partners, stakeholders, and the community.



More information


For more information on the SH23/SH39 intersection safety improvements, contact us at 

Visit our website