President's MessageGary Thompson, DVM, DABVP (Canine and Feline), President
I hope this message finds everyone well and my thoughts go out to any of our colleagues and people or family members affected by Hurricane Ian on the Florida Gulf Coast. The images are heartbreaking to see of an area I know well and I wish everyone the best in working towards restoring their lives and businesses. On the ABVP front, the credentials team is working hard behind the scenes in certifying a new crop of Diplomates. I also want to thank Marisa for her time and effort on behalf of ABVP during a time when most mere mortals would be away from work. She has my eternal gratitude for her help in keeping ABVP moving forward. The Symposium team is continuing to bring together another great meeting and keep an eye out for early bird registration before the end of the year to
potentially use up some CE funds. As always, thank you for all you do in representing our specialty.
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) UpdateSonnya Dennis, DVM, DABVP (Canine and Feline), MOC Chair
If the above purple picture is not familiar to you, then you are likely behind! Start at, “DIPLOMATE LOGIN” (top bar), then “log in'' (itty-bitty top right). You can Access MOC Portal and Journal Club from there (see screenshot). Link to MOC webpage with how-to videos!
Note: You do NOT need to pay the MOC fee to begin uploading your points to Prolydian. Only after everything is complete, and you are ready to submit your final MOC application in year 9 or 10, do you pay the MOC fee. So, there is no reason to delay! (Well, at least not a monetary reason…)
Canine & Feline Diplomate Outreach
Dear Fellow Canine Feline Diplomates: Please help out our Outreach Committee as our representative to the marketing team that supplies newsworthy items promoting our specialty on Facebook and other social media platforms. This is an easy way to give back to our organization, earn MOC participation points, and educate the public about what our Diplomates do! For examples please follow us here:
and here: Also please contact Outreach Chairperson Sarah Eaton for more information or to join the committee that has the most fun! All the best in practice and in life! Raj Singh, DVM, MS, DABVP (Canine and Feline)
Canine Feline Regent
Board of Directors
Dr. Lori Wyatt's DEI Interview
To view Dr. Lori Wyatt's interview from the DEI committee, click here.
Proudly Display Your ABVP Diplomate Title But .....
Dear Colleagues:
This has been discussed before but a friendly reminder on how to use your Diplomate status. It is imperative that a Diplomate of any discipline does not misrepresent the qualification in a way that can mislead the public. For example, a Diplomate certified only in Avian Practice cannot advertise "specializes in birds, ferrets, rabbits, and pocket pets". Another example of an unethical listing is "Mary Smith, DVM, DABVP (Canine and Feline Practice) has a special interest in dermatology, dentistry, surgery, etc."
The situation gets murky when residents in training display themselves as
ABVP (feline or avian, etc) without using the word Diplomate. This may look
right but this kind of display can make an owner or a layman think that the
resident is a specialist.
The American Veterinary Medical Association provides these rules and
guidelines for Diplomates (
Residency and Job Postings
Don’t forget ABVP has classified listings for open positions all over the USA!
November 5, 2022 - Exam held online from 8 AM - 5 PM in the examinee's time zone
January 15, 2023 Credentials documentation deadline for both Initial Applications and Re-Applications. All documentation must be submitted online by 11:59 PM Central Time Swine Health Management Entry Exam registration and fee deadline. Registration must be completed online account by 11:59
PM Central Time Semi-Annual Residency Logs deadline. Logs must be submitted online by 11:59 PM Central Time
April 20-23, 2023 July 1, 2023 - 2023-2024 Diplomate and Emeritus Diplomate fees payable
July 15,