![]() ![]() SEMPO UpdatesNews and Information from October 2020A Message from the Executive DirectorThe Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission (MHTC) recently approved their Legislative Agenda for 2021. The Agenda focuses on two central issues: Safety and Funding. Specifically, the agenda proposes measures that would 1) Prohibit Hand-Held Cell Phone and Other Electronic Wireless Communication Device Use While Driving 2) Establish a Primary Safety Belt Law 3) Modernize Missouri's Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Structure 4) Enact a 10-Cent Fuel Tax Increase; 2-Cents a Year for 5 Years. Click the button below to view the one pager (front and back) of the legislative initiatives proposed by the MHTC for 2021. In other news, during a planning partners call with MoDOT leadership this month they announced they are looking to reestablish the Transportation Alternatives Program for one year. This was made possible through the one year FAST Act extension. MoDOT is currently working with their finance staff to determine how much funding they will be able to make available. The application timeline for the program is yet to be announced. - Alex McElroy Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update ![]() No, this is not a political ad, so please read forward. Our Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update is underway and "We Want You" to help participate in this process. Nine unique stakeholder meetings were held in the last week of October where input was sought on the future of our metropolitan planning area. The stakeholder groups included individuals with specific knowledge of aviation, bicycle and pedestrian transportation, economic development and tourism, emergency management, freight, neighborhood groups, accessibility issues, as well as a group with more general input. But now is a critical time for anyone to provide their thoughts and ideas. The button below will take you to our MTP survey which will be utilized in the development of our plan. Please take a moment to participate and Please Share the link in any way that you can via social media, professional website, email, etc. ADA Pedestrian Transportation System Condition Assessment Hot off the presses, the Draft Community Plans have now been submitted for your review. The SEMPO Board received a presentation of the draft plans during their meeting on October 21st. The assessment reviewed over 10,000 individual data points analyzing ADA compliance with sidewalks, curb ramps, blended transitions, grade breaks, detectable warning surfaces, openings, protruding objects, bus stops and stations, railroad crossings, handrails, refuge islands, crosswalks, and push buttons. The Draft Community Plans offer prioritization recommendations, opinions of probable costs, as well as identifying potential funding sources. Please take some time to review your Draft Community Plan and provide any feedback to me by December 2nd. The SEMPO Board currently anticipates accepting the final assessment at their January 20 meeting. ![]() 2020 Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Conference ![]() During this past week, it was enlightening to see many other Metropolitan Planning Organizations going through the same major planning projects as we have undertaken these past few years. From development of Public Participation Plans, Transportation Improvement Plans, ADA Assessments, and Metropolitan Transportation Plans MPOs throughout the nation shared their experiences, lessons learned, and best practices. Due to COVID-19, the conference was held virtually from October 27 through October 29. I was able to attend sessions regarding small to medium MPOs, organizational structure, freight, legislation, planning products, performance management, public engagement, locally administered projects, environmental justice, and the future of transportation. I would be happy to share any of the presentation materials with anyone who may be interested. Changes in Traffic Due to COVID-19 Statewide passenger traffic is down 18% since the public health emergency began (3/15/20 – 10/17/20). This is a 2% improvement since last reported in September. From October 1 to October 17 passenger traffic showed a decrease of 10% as compared to 2019. This decline for October mirrors the September figures of 10% reduction. Commercial traffic statewide continues to perform better than passenger traffic statewide with an average decrease of 4% since March 15, 2020. This is a 1% improvement from September reporting. The month of September experienced a decrease of 1% in commercial traffic. But, for some positive news, from October 1 to October 17 we have seen an increase of 4% in commercial traffic as compared to 2019. ![]() Local Road Safety Plans ![]() FHWA Administrator Nicole Nason announced the creation of a DIY Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) website during the 3rd National Summit for Rural Road Safety on October 1. The site includes resources local agencies and their supporting partners can use to develop these lifesaving plans themselves. The LRSP DIY site begins with an introduction page to orient users and follows with subsequent pages that walk users through the steps of the LRSP process. The site contains training videos, downloadable templates, “local agency insights” videos where practitioners can learn from their peers, and example plans from other local agencies. National Fitness Campaign ![]() Staff spoke with National Fitness Campaign representatives this month to discuss their initiative of establishing fitness courts across the country along active transportation infrastructure. The not-for-profit organization helps communities fund, build, and activate fitness courts. The courts provide a destination along trails and sidewalks for citizens to take advantage of the many exercise stations located in the court. The campaign is looking to expand their courts to over 1,000 cities by 2022. Please see the link below for more information into their program. SEMPO Trivia - Answer The image below is the Salesforce Transit Center located in San Francisco, California. The transit center serves as the primary bus terminal — and potentially as a future rail terminal — for the San Francisco Bay Area. The center spans 1,430 feet in length making it longer than the Sales Force Tower is tall. It is comprised of 25,000 tons of steel, equal to the approximate weight of 5,000 elephants. Including transportation, the center offers events and a garden park on the roof top. ![]() Medieval Period Bridges I am always amazed by the engineering and architectural feats of our bridges. I see the massive machinery and steel that is used along with the advanced technology we have today and wonder how these structures were ever created in the past. The tranquil video below shows an animated time-lapse of the construction of a bridge during this era. SEMPO Social Media Did you know your favorite MPO is on Facebook? SEMPO staff (Marla Mills) does an excellent job keeping the site updated with events and important information. We currently have a link to our MTP survey on the site as well. Please feel free to share and like. Transportation Quote "Victory is the beautiful, bright-colored flower. Transport is the stem without which it could never have blossomed." |