Eva Lawler Joel Bowden Media Release Territory can attract twice as many skilled workers through 2024 Migration Program22 July 2024 The Lawler Labor Government is continuing to take a common sense approach to growing the Territory’s economy and ensuring Territory businesses have the skilled workers needed to expand. Under the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program the Northern Territory’s allocation has doubled from the previous year – up to 1,600 overseas skilled workers. Workers from a range of industries including health, science, finance, agriculture, construction, telecommunications, IT and hospitality can apply to MigrationNT for NT Government nominations under the GSM program, which offers permanent as well as provisional 5-year visas with a pathway to permanent residency in the NT. Today’s news is additional to the Federal Government’s announcement in December 2023 that gave employer sponsored visa applications from regional areas the highest priority in processing with the entirety of the Northern Territory deemed regional for migration purposes. Skilled migrants are projected to contribute approximately $1.4 billion to the Territory economy in the period from 2021 to 2027. Attracting and retaining workers in the Northern Territory is essential to growing the NT economy to $40 billion by 2030. Territory employers and jobseekers can connect through the Territory Government’s online platform WorkerConnect - which already has a talent pool of over 10,000 job seekers wanting to work in the NT. For more information go to www.jobs.theterritory.com.au or to learn more about the GSM Program go to theterritory.com.au/migrate/migrate-to-work “We need more skilled workers in the Territory to drive economic and population growth – and I want many of these 1600 skilled workers to stay in the Territory and build a life here. “I’ll always fight for the Territory and that means advocating to the Federal Government for more flexible settings to attract and retain more overseas skilled workers in the NT. “Attracting more workers to the Territory is a win for business and our population.” Quotes attributed to Minister for Business and Jobs Joel Bowden: “Growing the Northern Territory’s population and economy requires an increase in skilled migrants and the Territory Government is committed to making it easier for businesses to find the workers they need.” Ends Northern Territory Government |