Local Update, 6 March 2023
Welcome to our weekly newsletter about mental health services and support available in Barnet and beyond. Also bringing you updates on Inclusion Barnet mental health news. Produced by Ed Peston, Communications Assistant.
Events and News from the Web
Mental Health Online: Uni Students Mental Health (From Ajuda Limited), Thursday 9 March, 10.00am - 12.00pmThis webinar is designed for university students to help them cope with stress and anxiety caused among others by moving to the new place and the overwhelming wave of new responsibilities associated with starting uni. Book Mental Health Online: Uni Students Mental Health
Mind & Mood Creativity & Wellbeing NewsletterThe Mind & Mood Support Group are putting together a monthly Creativity & Wellbeing Newsletter. It is FREE to anyone who wishes to subscribe. To subscribe/unsubscribe: email santana.turner01@gmail.com .
Post Covid-19: Where next for mental health and Bereavement services (From Six Degrees Social Enterprise), Thursday 9 March, 10.00 - 11.30amSix Degrees invites you to join their forthcoming online webinar. They are pleased to welcome two distinguished key notes speakers. The speakers will evaluate the impact of the pandemic on mental health services and bereavement. Book Post Covid-19: Where next for mental health and Bereavement services
From Anxiety to Peace...mastering your mental health (From Cathy Radcliffe), Thursday 9 March, 7.30 - 9.00pmIn this 90 minute talk they will cover: - What is Anxiety? What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder? - Where does it come from/develop? - Mental and Physical Symptoms - Rewriting the Anxiety Pattern - Managing and reducing the symptoms Book From Anxiety to Peace...mastering your mental health
Mental Health in Focus - Managing stress (From Health Management Limited), Thursday 9 March, 3.30 - 4.00pmThe aim of this session is to explore the topic of stress, increasing your awareness of the potential causes and signs to look out for, along with some helpful strategies to manage stress. Book Mental Health in Focus - Managing stress
Webinar: Mental health and well-being research in the UK – An introduction (From National Centre for Research Methods), Monday 6 March, 2.00 - 3.30pmThe Data Resources Training Network (DRTN) is pleased to announce a new webinar on mental health and wellbeing research. The webinar will focus on secondary, quantitative data. Book Webinar: Mental health and well-being research in the UK – An introduction
Listening books for patients & caregivers (From Brainstrust), Thursday 9 March, 11.00am - 12.00pmCome along and find out about the benefits of audiobooks from Listening Books, an audiobook lending charity for those that find their illness, mental health, physical or learning disability affects their ability to read the printed word or hold a book. Book Listening books for patients & caregivers
CommUNITY Barnet AGM - Connecting Communities (From Community Barnet), Thursday 16 March, 4.00 - 6.00pmCommUNITY Barnet Annual General Meeting will take place online on Zoom. All are welcome. They have a packed agenda, with a range of speakers on current and important issues, including safeguarding, emergencies, mental wellbeing and disabilities. It’s an opportunity to connect with other community organisations, residents, and staff from statutory services. Book CommUNITY Barnet AGM - Connecting Communities
Video: ADHD: Why teenagers are using TikTok to self-diagnose (From Sky News)Teenagers and young adults are increasingly turning to TikTok and Instagram to self-diagnose autism and ADHD. That's according to the British Psychological Society. It's thought that frustration with waiting times for children and adolescent mental health services is making teenagers turn to social media. Watch Video: ADHD: Why teenagers are using TikTok to self-diagnose
Is it fair to blame social media for teenagers’ mental health? (From Yahoo! News)There’s an enormous amount of evidence, including both academic research and testimony from kids themselves, that today's youth are struggling with mental health. But the question is far from settled as to how much social media is to blame. Read Is it fair to blame social media for teenagers’ mental health?
Regular Events on the Web
Online ADHD Support Group (From Tim Kiver Foundation), Tuesday 14 March, 7.30 - 9.00pmA safe place for anyone interested in ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in ANY way to share experiences and learn more about: • What ADHD is • How ADHD affects peoples every day life • Ways to manage ADHD symptoms • How to seek medical help for ADHD • The Facts and Fiction that surround ADHD Book Online ADHD Support Group
International Wellbeing Support Group (From Rain on Me), Monday 6 March, 5.30pmA free, international safe space to vent and grow with people who understand and accept you. Book International Wellbeing Support Group
Insight into Creative Psychotherapy (Expressing Emotions Creatively) (From Holistic Wellness Community), Monday 6 March, 6.00 - 7.00pmA chance to express yourself creatively, using creative therapeutic techniques and exercises facilitated by Dramatherapist Emma-Jo. These classes provide insight into ways you can include creativity in your life to help process emotions, trauma, to aid healing, stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and more, within creative methods to aid safety. Guided meditations will be used throughout and a chance to check in with yourself, providing a
space to just 'be' in a world where we are constantly having to 'do'. Book Insight into Creative Psychotherapy
Singing For Mindfulness and Mental Wellbeing (From Holistic Wellness Community), Wednesday 8 March, 6.00 - 7.00pmAn hour of singing for the soul. Victoria will share with you some short, simple but deeply nourishing or uplifting songs that will go in easily, no matter what your experience. Attendees are muted for the songs which means you can sing out loud without any inhibition! And even ad lib over the top if you want! Attendees can also keep videos off if preferable. Book Singing For Mindfulness and Mental Wellbeing
Barnet CarersBarnet Carers provides support and information for unpaid, informal, carers across the London Borough of Barnet. Includes yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Read about and book Barnet Carers Events
Building FriendshipBuilding Friendship is a free weekly drop in every Friday for those with mental health difficulties. Meet at East Barnet Baptist Church hall, EN4 8PS. Come along for a cup of coffee and a friendly chat between 10am and 12noon. For more information email: buildingfriendship@gmail.com. Or leave a message with your name and contact number on 020 8449 5320.
Mind and Mood Support GroupMind & Mood Support Group has returned to face to face meetings at 55 Christchurch Avenue, London N12 0DG. To enquire about becoming a new member, please contact either Peter or Sandra below. Peter Sartori e: petersartori@virginmedia.com
Sandra Turner e:santana.turner01@gmail.com Both Peter Sartori and Sandra Turner have extensive experience of the mental health system.
We are an independent support group, run by ex service users, for service users, their carers and supporters.
Weekly online social group from Mind in Enfield and Barnet, Fridays from 6.00 - 7.00pmThis group takes place by Zoom, and the session is broken up into a few casual activities such as: Catch up about each other’s week
Play a quiz where everybody provides 3 questions
Share and discuss TV, movies and news that has inspired us this week If you would like to attend, please email Sam Brown at sambrown@mindeb.org.uk
www.inclusionbarnet.org.uk We are a Peer-Led Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisation
(DDPO). Nearly all of our directors and staff have lived experience of disability, including mental health issues and/or long-term health conditions. We believe that learning to use our lived experience for social change is a skill. We have become experts in harnessing the lived experience of our staff, members,
volunteers and the people who use our services to design and deliver higher quality, more person-centred services. Other services run by Inclusion Barnet that you might be interested in are: Benefits Advice Service (supporting disabled people in Barnet to access the benefits they are entitled to). Touchpoint (supports people experiencing any form of disability in Barnet to access the services and resources they need). Healthwatch Barnet (an independent, statutory organisation dedicated to improving health and social care services in Barnet). For more information about the wider range of other work we do please visit our website www.inclusionbarnet.org.uk
Useful links for mental health and wellbeing
Click on the title to go to the individual websites. LOCAL (*BEH-MHT = Barnet, Enfield Haringay - Mental Health Trust) LONDON & NATIONAL - The Help Hub - free online emotional support sessions
- Good Thinking - free online Mental Wellbeing for London
- Kooth - free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
- Qwell - free online safe and confidential space to share & support
Shout - free, 24/7 text messaging support - text SHOUT to 85258 - Samaritans - free phone & email support in a crisis
- Useful links from Sussex University - lots of useful links to MH resources
Independent Living Centre, c/o Barnet & Southgate College,
7 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4BR
Inclusion Barnet is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Registered Charity Number: 1158632