End of Year Celebrations and opportunities 🎄💡 No images? Click here ![]() It's officially the festive season. Well done, you've made it 👏 No matter whether your business ramps up, or ramps down at this time of the year, December is a good milestone from which you can reflect on your 2024 - both the success and the challenges. It's also a good time to plan for next year and no matter what you're planning, we're here to help. If you'd like to talk to us about how we might be able to support your business, this year or next, reach out to our Economic Development Team using the details at the bottom. TRADE YOUR WASTEASPIRE is an online matchmaking tool for the exchange of discarded materials. In partnership with Council, the platform is free or low-cost for local businesses. BOOST YOUR VISIBILITYBoost your business' visibility by signing up to our FREE local business directory! It's easy to use and can help you to reach new audiences, while enhancing your website's SEO. Sign up today to connect with more customers and grow your online presence effortlessly. Don't miss this opportunity! SIMPLE WAY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE The TAC L2P Program assists learner drivers from disadvantaged backgrounds to gain their 120 hours by being matched with a volunteer mentor who passes on invaluable road safety and driving skills -currently, the program supports more than 60 learners each week! To supplement this service and assist even more learners, Council are seeking support from local businesses. If you are looking for a simple way to make a difference - consider one of the available sponsorship packages. The program is already strongly supported by local car dealership, Berwick Motor Group, who generously provide two fully maintained Kia vehicles for the program learners to undertake lessons in. TRANSFORM YOUR SERVICES AND BOOST YOUR INCOMEIn just one session, you'll learn how to understand your client's true needs to align your services to deliver what they genuinely value - maximising your profitability in the process! PROMOTE A LOCAL JOB - FOR FREE Is your next staff member, or job, just around the corner? Almost 500 locals visit Casey Cardinia Jobs looking for a job each month - that's almost 1,000 eyeballs! List your City of Casey or Cardinia Shire job for free today! SEMMA WELDING INNOVATION EVENTDiscover the latest in welding innovation at the IPG Light Weld Demonstration event. SEMMA CHRISTMAS NETWORKINGGet into the festive spirit by expanding your networks, sharing ideas and discovering opportunities for growth at this end of year networking event. You'll join fellow manufacturers, industry peers and experts in a relaxed environment, with refreshments and canapes. SHAPE FUTURE MANUFACTURINGAre you a local manufacturer? Share your insights and experiences with SEMMA to help shape a strong, competitive and sustainable future of Australian manufacturing with SEMMA. Your voice can help influence meaningful change in our industry. SIP, SAVOUR, CELEBRATE!Spoil your small business team with a lavish end-of-year lunch, complete with a festive cocktail, buffet and live entertainment, at Bunjil Place on Thursday 5 December. If they made it onto the nice list, consider upgrading with an optional drinks packages. ![]() SEMMA Welding Innovation Event End of Year Lunch Party at Bunjil Place SEMMA Christmas Networking WE ARE HERE FOR YOUR BUSINESSThe City of Casey’s Economic Development Team are here to help your business. ![]() ![]() |