![]() News and Information from November 2022A Message from the Executive DirectorOctober and November marked a number of advancements for our FY 2023 planning year. On October 20th, SEMPO joined the United Way Transportation Coalition to host a community discussion forum to solicit feedback on the public transit system within the SEMPO area. On November 2nd, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission held their meeting at the Drury Plaza Conference Center in Cape Girardeau where greater Cape Girardeau regional leaders and SEMPO staff were provided an opportunity to present an overview of the SEMPO region and highlight specific transportation needs within the area. SEMPO staff also hosted a Public Open House on November 3rd at the Osage Centre on the draft 2024 - 2027 Transportation Improvement Plan. More information on these project advancements are listed below. ![]() Public Transit - Human Service Transportation Coordination Plan (PT-HSTCP) ![]() On October 20th, SEMPO partnered with the United Way Transportation Coalition to host a public discussion on the transportation needs within Cape and Jackson. The meeting was very well attended with over 40 community members present to share their thoughts. The public forum was moderated by Tracy Morrow of the Community Partnership as attendees shared their experiences and challenges. The feedback received at the meeting will assist SEMPO in the development of our Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan (PT-HSTCP) and will serve as a first step of dialogue with community members and transportation needs within our planning area. Do you have feedback to share? Scan the QR code below to be taken to the online survey: ![]() Transportation Improvement Program Update ![]() SEMPO hosted a public meeting on our Draft Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) on November 3rd. The meeting was held at the Osage Centre in Room 1 from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. The meeting was open to anyone interested in reviewing the draft document and the various projects to be scheduled. Click the button below to view slides of various projects within the 2024 - 2027 Transportation Improvement Program. ![]() MoDOT Unfunded Needs ![]() MoDOT staff have worked with metropolitan planning organizations and regional planning commissions throughout the state to develop a list of high priority unfunded road and bridge needs. The draft project-specific lists include $4.7 billion in road and bridge projects in three tiers. Projects identified in the SEMPO region include the following, Tier 1: Bridge replacement along I-55 at Exit 93 Tier 2: Route 25 shoulder widening from Route K (William Street) to US 61 (Jackson Boulevard), intersection improvements at Shawnee Boulevard and US 61 (Jackson Boulevard) and Donna Drive and US 61, and capital improvements along I-55 at exit 93 Tier 3: Add lanes to provide 6 lane highway on I-55 from Exit 96 (William Street) to Exit 99 (Center Junction). EV Readiness Plan Approved ![]() If you or a loved one are thinking about investing in electric mobility, give SEMPO's EV Readiness Plan a shot. The Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan for SEMPO's planning area was approved by the Board of Directors on November 16. The plan aims to inform the general public, transportation agencies, electric vehicle stakeholders, private businesses, and local government entities of the advent of increased electric vehicle ownership and electric vehicle infrastructure deployment within the SEMPO Metropolitan Planning Area. Roadway Fatalities Update ![]() The Southeast District has experienced 120 fatalities on the roadways in 2022 as of November 20. This number is higher than the 119 fatalities which occurred in 2021 at this time. Statewide, we have experienced 898 fatalities, which is less than what we experienced in 2021 where 920 fatalities were recorded, yet higher than what was experienced in 2017 (822), 2018 (823), 2019 (783), and 2020 (876) at this point in the year. Of these statewide fatalities, 59% of the occupants were not buckled. SEMPO Trivia ![]() Google Earth has a 9 question Transportation Trivia site that will take you around the world. I scored a measly 4 out of 9 achieving the "Engine Driver" accolade. See if you can beat my score. Click the button below to start the brief trivia game. Why No New Interstates? The vast majority of the Interstate system was considered complete in the 1990's and in western America, no new interstate freeways have been constructed since 1980. Considering the population growth of the western US, the history behind this is interesting. Transportation Quote "If transportation technology was moving along as fast as microprocessor technology, then the day after tomorrow I would be able to get in a taxi cab and be in Tokyo in 30 seconds." - W. Daniel Hillis ![]() |