20 February 2019
The NZ Transport Agency is completing the work necessary to protect the land required for a new road in the future, between Warkworth and Te Hana.
Securing land designation and resource consents will ensure that the Transport Agency is able to construct the road when it is required.
Public information days are being held to present the Indicative Alignment for the second stage of the Ara Tuhono Puhoi to Wellsford project.
These events provide opportunities for the communities of Warkworth, Wellsford and Te Hana to meet with Transport Agency representatives to find out more about the project, prior to the lodgement of designation and consent applications later this year.
Public information days will be held on:
Thursday 28 February, between 3-7pm at the Wellsford Community Centre, Matheson Road.
Saturday 2 March, between 10-2pm at the Warkworth Town Hall, Alnwick Street.
Wednesday 6 March, between 3-7pm at the Te Hana Hall, Whakapirau Road.
The Warkworth to Wellsford project office, located at 11C Neville Street Warkworth, will also be open to the public between 9.30am-12.30pm on Thursday 28 February and Wednesday 6 March.
The Indicative Alignment extends approximately 26kms from Warkworth in the vicinity of Woodcocks Road, heading north through the Dome, crossing State Highway 1 near Wayby and then passing east of both Wellsford and Te Hana.
Maps of the Indicative Alignment are available on our website now, and all information prepared for the Information Days will be posted online later next week.