NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

Northwest Rapid Transit

26 August 2024


Community Information Sessions

Kia ora koutou,

We are excited to announce that we will be out in the Northwest community at several locations over the coming weeks.

Our team would love to see you and your whānau, hear what you have to say about the Northwest Rapid Transit project and what’s important to you.

Please see below the locations, dates and times that our team will be at each location over the coming weeks:

More information is available on the project website, including a helpful information brochure.



What if I cannot make it to a pop-up?

We understand that these dates and times may not work with your schedule so please feel free to contact us with any questions you have using the contact details below. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Phone: 0800 4 NWRAPID / 0800 469 727



Minister of Transport announcement

In July, we sent out an update about the Minister of Transport Simeon Brown announcement relating to the Northwest Rapid Transit project.

This update also included information about the preferred option for the Northwest Rapid Transit Network being a busway. Similar to the Northern Busway, a busway will provide fast, frequent and reliable transport choices for the Northwest community. 

Alongside the busway, a park and ride facility and station are proposed at Brigham Creek, with stations at Westgate, Royal Road, Lincoln Road, and Te Atatū. There will be further connections between Te Atatū and the city centre where people will be able to connect easily with the wider transport network.

Community feedback has shown high support for a rapid transit solution with people asking us to deliver something quickly to address congestion and provide better travel options.

The Minister of Transport says “With more than 100,000 extra people expected to be living in the northwest of Auckland by 2051, we need to provide more reliable public transport choices that reduce travel times, congestion, and emissions in Auckland.

“The Government is committed to a rapid transit system that will support urban development, housing growth, and provide commuters with real choice in how they get around our biggest city,” Mr Brown says.

Visit the New Zealand Transport Agency project website to learn more about the project and the emerging preferred option.



Next steps

We look forward to seeing you at our pop-up information sessions and hearing about what’s important to you. This will provide helpful information for the project team who are continuing investigations and expect to share more detailed information on the alignment and station locations later this year.

If you have any questions or feedback you’d like to share with the project team, please get in touch.