Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Te Ara Tūtohu: Waitara to Bell Block

30 January 2025


Kia ora,

We're getting in touch to share information about a consultation on speed limits that impacts State Highway 3 (SH3) between Waitara and Bell Block.

The NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) speed management project team has provided the information below.

If you have any questions regarding the consultation, please contact the team by emailing CNIspeedmanagement@nzta.govt.nz.

Ngā mihi,
Te Ara Tūtohu: SH3 Waitara to Bell Block project team



Taranaki speed limit reviews

The new Land Transport Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2024 requires speed limits set since Janurary 2020 on some of the country’s roads to reverse to their previous speeds by 1 July 2025. For certain types of roads, the lower speed limits can be retained if there is community support for them to stay.

We are now consulting with the community to see if there is public support to retain the 80km/h speed limits on SH3 between Waitara and Bell Block at the following 2 locations:

  • SH3 Waitara. 430m east of Princess Street to 300m east of Bayly Street.
  • SH3 Bell Block East. From east of Mahoetahi Road to 400m west of Princess Street.

These sections of state highway have been included in the consultation because we want to test the level of support again to see if it has changed.

You can have your say on these speed limits by completing the form on our website.


Following this consultation, we will share the outcomes and future dates for any speed limit changes going live in Taranaki in 2025.

You can find out more about the new Rule and future speed management planning on our website.




More information


For more information on Te Ara Tūtohu: Waitara to Bell Block, contact us at w2bb@nzta.govt.nz

Visit our website www.nzta.govt.nz/w2bb