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Worship Service: November 20th, 2022

Scripture: Jeremiah 23:1-6, Luke 21:5-19

“Know Not What We Are Doing”

 Rev. Terry Gallagher

Click here to sign up for Sunday service volunteer opportunities (reader, greeter, acolyte, or usher)

Advent at St. Matthew

Advent begins on Sunday, November 27th. We will light the Advent candle every week through Christmas and hope to see you at church. 

We have some special events planned as well. 

December 11th: Enjoy the beautiful music of the Cantata during church.

Following the service, the crazies will hold their annual hot cocoa fundraiser in Dobstaff. 

Come sing some Christmas Carols at 4pm. After we sing, enjoy some hot chocolate and pizza with your St. Matthew family.

December 18th: Celebrate with cake after church during our annual "Birthday Party for Jesus" with the Sunday School children.

Christmas Eve: 6pm Family-friendly service and 10pm Candlelight service. 

Christmas Day: 9:30am Caroling, Lessons, and Cocoa in your pj's.

For our full Advent schedule, click

Poinsettia orders deadline this Sunday!

The deadline to order poinsettia plants is this Sunday, November 20th.

You can choose red or white, and plants are $12 each.

You can order them in honor of or in memory of someone if you would like.

Flowers will be used to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas and can be taken home after the 10pm Christmas Eve services. 

Order forms will be available in the bulletin, order on our website (on the Donate page), or click here to order now!


Come play Euchre on Friday night, November 18th in Dobstaff! Meet at 6:30pm for food and 7pm for play. Please bring a snack to share and your own beverage. All are welcome!

Advent Decorating

The Worship committee is asking for volunteers to help decorate the church for Advent. They will meet after church on Sunday, November 20th to get the decorations out of storage and then again from 5-6pm that evening to decorate the church. 

Click here to sign up for either or both times. You can also contact Bruce Anderson to let him know you can help. 

NO crazies until December 4th

There will be NO crazies on Sunday, November 20th or 27th (due to the school break and Thanksgiving holiday).

Our next meeting of the group will be on Sunday, December 4th, when we will have the shopping spree at Target. Details will follow closer to the date.

Christmas Baskets for Marian Park

The Mission Committee is once again sponsoring Christmas Baskets for the seniors at Marian Park. Baskets will be available at church on November 20th and 27th or contact Joyce Miller.

A suggested items list will be in the basket. Joyce will collect filled baskets on Sundays through December 4th. They may also be dropped off in the office.

Stewardship 2023: Vision for the Future

Thank you to all who have sent their 2023 pledges. If you have not yet sent in your pledge, please do so by December 1st. Pledging helps us plan the next year's budget.


Click here to pledge online.

"A Celtic Christmas" Tickets

On Friday, December 2nd, at 8pm, Gavin Coyle is hosting his annual concert “A Celtic Christmas” at the Belushi Performance Hall of the MAC at College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn. Our own Karen Fernandez will be accompanying Gavin Coyle on the harp for this show. 

Ticket proceeds benefit People’s Resource Center, and are $40 each. As this is a very popular show, St. Matthew will be pre-purchasing 25 tickets. Anyone wishing to attend with this grouping can reserve a ticket or tickets by either texting or calling Linda Raymond at 630.702.1212 or sign-up on the sheet posted in the narthex as soon as possible. If all 25 tickets sell and we have more who wish to attend, tickets can be purchased directly through the MAC box office, 630.942.4000.

Sunday Coffee Hour

Our Sunday coffee hour will resume in Dobstaff. Please consider bringing a treat on the following weeks:

First Sunday- last names A-C

Second Sunday- last names D-H

Third Sunday - last names I-O

Fourth Sunday - last names P-Z

Fifth Sunday- Anyone

Please contact Wendy Fanning if you are able to set up or clean up coffee hour. Thanks for your help.

Online Sunday Worship

The St. Matthew worship service will be streamed every Sunday at 9:30am. The service will be available on our website after the service.


Access the service through the St. Matthew YouTube page:

**Once you are on YouTube, you have the option to turn on closed captioning and resize the font. Once the video is playing, click on the setting wheel in lower-right of your screen, choose Subtitles/CC, then choose English.**

You can also go to the St. Matthew homepage ( to access the online service. 

Online Giving

Go to our website for instructions on how to donate to St. Matthew. Thank you!