Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Te Ara Tūtohu: Waitara to Bell Block

21 June 2024


Kia ora!

Read on for the latest updates on Te Ara Tūtohu: SH3 Waitara to Bell Block safety improvements project.



Last stages of work underway at Princess Street

Our contractor is putting the finishing touches on the Princess Street roundabout – which is on track to be completed by the end of the month. Since our last update in May, workers have been completing asphalting work, landscaping, footpaths, barriers, fences, and have also installed and connected new light poles.

The underpass is also nearing completion and is set to open to the public in July once the cultural expression on the walls of the underpass and those leading up to it is complete. Manukorihi, Ngāti Rahiri, Otaraua, Pukerangiora and Puketapu hapū (ngā hapū) have worked with Tihei Design and Workshop Studio to develop the cultural expression. This work is the first part of a wider cultural narrative being developed for the road between Waitara and Bell Block.



Work well underway on first stage of Waitara Road roundabout

In May, our contractor started work on stage 1 of construction for the Waitara Road roundabout. Stage 1 involves a lot of the preparatory work for the roundabout and improvements to Raleigh Street and Tate Road, including:

  • The installation of new drainage pipes, stormwater swales along Raleigh Street and SH3, and a stormwater outfall.
  • The relocation of underground services (such as power and internet) along SH3 and Tate Road.
  • Pavement work on Tate Road between the intersection with Raleigh Street through to SH3 following the relocation of underground services and stormwater works.
  • The installation of temporary pavement adjacent to the northbound lane of SH3 (this will be needed during stage 3 to allow traffic to flow in both directions).

Workers are making good progress and are on track to move into Stage 2 towards the end of the year.

Information about the construction timeline is available on the project website.

Te Ara Tūtohu: SH3 Waitara to Bell Block project website



More information


For more information on Te Ara Tūtohu: Waitara to Bell Block, contact us at w2bb@nzta.govt.nz

Visit our website www.nzta.govt.nz/w2bb