19 September INVITATION: Export Supply Chain Service - Industry Briefing You are invited to an Austrade industry briefing webinar to discuss their new Export Supply Chain Service (ESCS) on Wednesday, September 21 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM (AEST).
ESCS coordinates insights to help stakeholders navigate supply chain issues while connectivity to international markets remains volatile and capacity diminished and expensive. The ESCS has three main functions:
With this being the first Industry Briefing, the ESCS team are looking to attendees to help shape the format of these briefings. If you have any questions, please contact Seafood Industry Australia ceo@seafoodindustryaustralia.com.au The STAG is funded by partners: The Seafood Trade Advisory Group (STAG) creates informative resources for Australian seafood exporters. The STAG receives funds from the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC). It is jointly funded by the Australian government and the fishing industry, which is a statutory authority within the portfolio of the Federal Minister for Agriculture Water and the Environment. Any information provided in this STAG publication as a part of this service is general in nature. Before acting on any information provided, you should consider its appropriateness to your circumstances and business objectives. |