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Australian Government | Australian Renewable Energy Agency | ARENA
24 February 2022

Strengthening the future grid 

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Lessons from Transgrid’s Wallgrove Battery

Transgrid has developed the Wallgrove Grid Battery project to pilot synthetic inertia services, using a grid-scale battery and an advanced inverter to maintain frequency stability on the network. The project also aims to demonstrate an innovative commercial model where, while Transgrid will own and maintain the battery, it will be operated by Iberdrola.

Transgrid’s latest report covers lessons learnt in cyber security, Tesla automation and control implementation, secondary system design, testing and commissioning and more.


Figure: Concept design of Transgrid’s 50 MW / 75 MWh lithium-ion battery at the Wallgrove substation in western Sydney. Source: Telsa

Read Transgrid's latest report 


Open for business: Large Scale Battery Storage Funding Round

ARENA is seeking expressions of interest for its Large Scale Battery Storage competitive funding round. Up to $100 million in funding will be provided for grid-scale batteries equipped with advanced inverters. In addition to supporting new build projects, funding is available for existing grid-scale batteries seeking to retrofit advanced inverter capabilities.

Figure: Infigen Energy’s Lake Bonney Battery Energy Storage System. Source: Infigen Energy

Learn more about the Round 

ARENA Insights Webinar

Musselroe Wind Farm - demonstrating how wind farms could participate in FCAS

The Musselroe Wind Farm FCAS Trial explored the technical and commercial case for wind farms to participate in the Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) market.

The wind farm comprises 56 V90 Vestas turbines with an installed capacity of 168 MW. Wind farms have not been traditional providers of FCAS services in the NEM.

The project successfully provided FCAS within the required technical specifications. However, modifications to the control system were significant and time consuming, involving many different stakeholders. The project also investigated the feasibility of integrating battery storage, concluding that it would be technically and economically feasible.

Image: Aerial view of Musselroe Wind Farm, Tasmania

Watch the project’s last webinar update 

Read more about the project 


Powerlink study shows the benefits of grid-forming batteries

Thoughtful deployment of grid forming batteries alongside other technologies will be critical to managing the transition to renewables. The Grid Forming Battery study demonstrated that a 100 MW battery can support 300 MW of inverter-based generation and provide similar performance to a synchronous generator.

Powerlink undertook a PSCAD model assessment to quantify the effectiveness of grid forming batteries (combining a grid forming inverter  with a battery to help stabilise the grid).

Image: Power lines

Read about the PSCAD assessment in Powerlink’s report 

ICYMI: Watch the ARENA Insights Webinar on Advanced Inverters 



New to the Knowledge Bank

Battery storage

This is the final knowledge sharing report for the Ballarat Energy Storage System (BESS). It outlines the performance and key learnings over the first 24 months of operation

This is the final knowledge sharing report for the Gannawarra Energy Storage System (GESS). It outlines the performance and key learnings over the first 24 months of operation.

This Lessons Learnt Report looks at the first two milestone periods for Tesla’s Virtual Power Plant (VPP) project and discusses lessons related to financing VPPs, battery deployment, retail sign-ups and group metering.

Large scale solar

This is the final knowledge sharing report for the Normanton Solar Farm. The project aimed to demonstrate the benefits of providing localised solar power generation to reduce network losses in “Fringe of Grid” locations.

This is the final report from the Australian Energy Council (AEC) Double-Sided Causer Pays Study that summarises all work done to date, and includes a recommended approach to system design and implementation.

Renewables for Industry

This is the Final Knowledge Sharing Report for this Solar Analytics’ Project. The project aimed to accelerate the deployment of technology to monitor the performance of residential solar PV systems and provide low-cost analytics and fault diagnostics.

The Business Renewables Centre’s State of the Market Report is an annual survey of energy market participants. This report highlights key trends in Corporate Renewable Power Purchase Agreements.

Renewables in buildings

This report discusses the heat pump and thermal energy storage options and identifies opportunities to improve energy performance and environmental outcomes for future projects.

Solar PV R&D

This report discussed University of Sydney’s project aims to improve the durability of perovskites for silicon-perovskite-tandem photovoltaics.

This is the final knowledge sharing report for the Copper-Zinc-Tin-Sulphide on Silicon Multi-Junction Solar Cells report. UNSW worked with international collaborators to design and develop the new generation of tandem cell technology integrating non-toxic and earth-abundant CZTS-based chalcogenide thin film solar cells and Silicon solar cells.

This report outlines the challenges encountered by Santos during the design and installation of renewable energy generation for its solar beam pumps.

This report discusses the viability of replacing existing crude fuelled generation sets with solar PV arrays and battery energy storage systems.

Distributed Energy Resources

This Vision and Impact Pathway from Western Power captures the collective vision of Project Symphony and outlines a pathway to achieve the project’s objectives.

This is the fourth Lessons Learnt report for Wattwatchers’ My Energy Marketplace. It covers preliminary findings from user engagement’, the importance of channel partners and available commercial opportunities for data services.

Wind Energy

This study was designed to improve the 5-minute forecast ahead accuracy for Ararat Wind Farm and address the underlying problem of high Causer Pays (CP) liability.

Diffuse Energy has five turbines installed as part of the project collecting data on both the local weather conditions and turbine output. This report discusses the current status and achievements of the project, COVID-19 issues and lessons learnt.


Visit ARENA's Knowledge Bank for more.

Australian Government | Australian Renewable Energy Agency | ARENA
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