NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and KiwiRail

SH1 Tinwald Corridor improvements

Project now complete

9 May 2024


Thank you - project officially finished

We have completed the final landscaping and line marking to finish off the Tinwald Corridor Improvements project.

As part of this project we installed traffic signals at the SH1/Lagmhor Road/Agnes Street intersection and made upgrades to the nearby rail crossing as well as the viaduct on Melcombe Street.

The improvements will make it safer and easer for people to get between the east and west sides of Tinwald.

We also built a shared path on Agnes and Thompson streets to give Tinwald Primary School pupils a safe way to walk or bike to school.

We know there were some congestion issues when the traffic signals were switched on but turns out that was due to the Pink concert and Easter weekend traffic. Since then, things have been running smoothly and the signals are working as intended.

The project team wants to thank you for your patience while we undertook this work.



More information


For more information on the SH1 Tinwald Corridor improvements project, contact us at

Visit our website