Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Rolleston Access Improvements Project Update December 2024

18 December 2024


Good progress made on the Rolleston Access Improvements Project

We are now a year into the design phase of the project and are on track preparing for construction to start by the end of 2025 - applying for consents, purchasing property, and finalising designs. With more detailed work happening on the designs we are able to generate visual representations of how the new road layouts around Rolleston will look – we encourage you to take a closer look below.



Four videos showing how the project will change access to Rolleston

Construction will begin first on the Dunns Crossing and Walkers Road intersection with State Highway 1. We are planning a two lane roundabout with a cycle and pedestrian subway under the state highway. This means Dunns Crossing Road and Walkers Road will be realigned south.

Watch this video design representation of the new Dunns Crossing Road roundabout approaching from Rolleston heading south. 

This video represents the approach to the roundabout from Dunns Crossing Road. See how Dunns Crossing Road moves slightly south and the old Dunns Crossing becomes a cul de sac. Newman Road is extended to connect into the new Dunns Crossing Road.

The other major feature is the flyover (or bridge). This will start at Rolleston Drive, go over the state highway and railway line to land on Jones Road where there will be two lanes for turning right and one for turning left.

This video representation shows the approach to the bridge from Rolleston Drive. 

Watch this video representation of how the new bridge will look from State Highway 1 heading south, noting the new exit lane from State Highway 1 onto Rolleston Drive.  You will also see the service lane to allow access to McDonalds, BP and Tennyson Street south of the new bridge.



Hoskyns Road left turn onto SH1

Traffic signals at Kidman Street, Jones Road/Bridge intersection and Hoskyns/Jones Road will be co-ordinated using a 'green wave' to help traffic flow from Rolleston to State Highway 1, particularly at morning peak time. As part of the work Hoskyns Road will have a free left turn into its own lane onto the motorway. 

Alternatively drivers will be able to use Jones Road up to the Weedons Interchange.

Artist's impression of the left turn out of Hoskyns Road onto its own lane on SH1



Tennyson Street, Brookside Road and Rolleston Drive (south) become left in/left out only

Safety improvements to intersections along State Highway 1 through Rolleston will see Tennyson Street, Brookside Road and Rolleston Drive (South) become left in/left out. By drivers not crossing the state highway to turn right, it will make travelling through Rolleston both safer and more efficient.



More information

For more information see our website and sign up for the newsletter. 

For specific questions email rollestonaccess@nzta.govt.nz