Gencoa Newsletter
20 December 2013

In our final newsletter of 2013, we have our fifth technical focus, which details the recently launched FFE75, a 3-inch circular full face erosion. We hope that many recipients have found the documents to be of benefit, and there will be many more to come throughout 2014.

Finally, all at Gencoa would like to wish all of our customers, agents and friends Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year! During the festive season, Gencoa's Liverpool office will be closed from December 24 to January 2, 2014. Please email any enquiries throughout this period to

FFE75: Defect reduction in thin films via plasma scanning

The use of 'clean' target sputtering offers many benefits for layer creation. For the last 30 years of PVD coating in the semiconductor industry large area clean targets are key to create high uniformity and reduce defects on the devices.

Coating defects are generated from several sources related to the sputter target area:

  • Arcing as a result of charge build-up at defects on the target surface
  • Dust and debris on the parts of the target that are not sputtered sufficiently to remove the build-up of material in the centre or edges of the sputter target

Aimed at the small-scale research and development machines, Gencoa have launched a product that creates this clean target sputtering for 3-inch and 4-inch diameter targets. Even for such a small target magnetron source, the target use can be increased by utilizing a rotating plasma.

Gencoa FFE75

Target use of a 3" copper target

Gencoa FFE75

A full version of this paper is available on the Technical Papers section of the Gencoa website, or by clicking the following link: Gencoa technical paper, December 2013.

For further product information, email

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