Welcome customer to the latest edition of our alumnae update, with news, event invitations, careers and volunteering information and more! A MESSAGE FROM THE HEADWelcome to the latest edition of our alumnae e-update. It is scarcely believable that I am writing to you in June with only a month of the academic year remaining; but what a year it has been! Just before half term I had the pleasure of watching our U15 rowers earn their first ever Gold medal in the National Schools Regatta and the immense pride and achievement radiating from those young athletes - who train so hard - was a joy to be behold. It was just one moment in a series of moments this year when our girls have reminded me once again of how talented, committed and skillful they truly are, and how much being part of this school community means to them. We shall of course be celebrating all of their achievements at Speech Day as well as bidding farewell to our Year 13 Leavers as they stride out: they have been working so hard as they tackle the challenge of A Levels and it will be wonderful to celebrate with them at the end of their labours. Clearly a sense of belonging continues well beyond school: the 2017/18 Reunion in April saw more than 80 alumnae return to be wowed by the new auditorium and share tales of former mischief and happiness. And, with the expansion of our Development Team to include our alumnae specialist Nikola Hall, we have been able to strengthen our ties with our former Wimbledonians in all sorts of ways: recently we had a Class of 1963 lunch and Class of 1983 reunion drinks; we welcomed GDST Alumna of the Year finalist Sara Nathan who spoke to Years 8, 10 and 12 about her incredible career in journalism and even more impressive work housing refugees; and many alumnae have come back to school to inspire our current students - over a dozen volunteers giving up their time last week alone for Activities Week. So thank you, to all of you, who continue to support your school and enrich the experiences of its current cohort. STAY CONNECTED:EVENTSIt’s been a brilliantly busy year for reunions - we kicked off with 100 guests for our Birthday Reunion in November, welcomed the Classes of 2017/18 back to school for cocktails and canapes in April, and recently held the Class of 1963 and 1983 reunions on 10 June.
BIRTHDAY REUNION 2023Saturday 4 November 2023
STAY CONNECTED:GDST LIFEThe GDST alumnae network is a community of women from all walks of life and around the globe, who are there to support and inspire. ALUMNAE NEWSTake a look at all the latest news stories, magazines & newsletters and alumnae profiles on our website We hold many music and drama performances throughout the year, to which you are invited. Please check our calendar for up to date information. WHS ON SOCIAL MEDIAFollow our official social media accounts to find out more about what's happening at school or to be reconnected with old classmates and friends ACCESS YOUR FUTURE:Dr Sheela Sharma has recently joined Wimbledon in the new role of Head of Enterprise, Entrepreneurship & Employability. With one of the largest female networks in the UK (and possibly beyond), spanning every profession possible and globally, the GDST and WHS provide an exceptional opportunity to find role models, mentors, sponsors and potential career opportunities. Our new Futures Access scheme aims to capitalise on this asset and we are pleased to announce that recent alumnae can now access careers advice for up to five
years after leaving school by emailing futures@wim.gdst.net GIVE BACK:It is always such a treat to have real-life alumnae visit during the term to speak to current students and we have had over fifty alumnae return so far this year to deliver lectures, science talks, the annual Futures Fair, Q&A sessions and more! THANK YOU - we very much value the connection and affection many still hold for Wimbledon High! MEET OUR ALUMNAE:Our alumnae go on to do a range of incredible things and we are always happy to share their achievements. We were delighted to celebrate the work of WHS alumnae authors on World Book Day with a display in our library. You can read about just some of our alumnae on our website. ACCESS OUR ARCHIVES:We have been steadily growing the WHS archive - including a series of portraits of former WHS Heads which now hang in the Rutherford Theatre (view them here) and an online archive of WHSU newsletters. The Archive website is fully searchable - simply request a log in and look through old school magazines, whole school photographs and other archive material. GET INVOLVED:Forthcoming OpportunitiesSpend time abroadMarie Allen (Class of 2009), has co-founded the Lüderitz Blue School in Namibia. The school is supported by an offshore giant kelp forestry company which sequesters carbon and boosts biodiversity in the oceans. Marie is offering talented and adventurous individuals a gap-year or teaching opportunity to support the school. Flights and accommodation will be provided. Please email us to find out more. Anyone for Tennis?The Inaugural Old Girls Tennis Tournament is to be held on Sunday 3 September at the All England Community Tennis Centre in Raynes Park. If you loved tennis at WHS, why not get together and enter this brand new event? Deadline for entry is Friday 7 July via the link here Please email Kerry Smith kerry.smith@emanuel.org.uk with any questions. DISCOVER MORE:GDST FUTURES“One world. One future. One chance.” SPREAD THE WORD!Our records are incomplete - please do pass our newsletter on to any alumnae with whom we are not yet in touch and ask them to register with us. We hope you have enjoyed hearing from Wimbledon High in this alumnae e-update. Every WHS student becomes an alumna automatically when they leave the school and remains one for life, if they wish to! We are committed to making this dimension to Wimbledon High School a positive and inclusive experience so if you have any suggestions please get in touch and tell us your news too! |