Welcome to the latest edition of our Stakeholder Newsletter... No images? Click here Stakeholder NewsletterWednesday 22 February 2023Would you like to keep receiving these updates?We would love to keep sharing our updates with you by sending our bulletins via email. We promise you will only receive one email per month. If you would like to keep receiving this newsletter please subscribe here. WelcomeWelcome to our monthly Stakeholder newsletter! We enjoy letting you know about the latest news from our teams, as well as making you aware of some of the more important information and our upcoming campaigns and awareness dates. At our Trust, we always endeavour to keep you aware of the great work our staff are doing to help the wider community. This month, we feature our third Governor profile with Staff Governor, Tom Nicklin. We also celebrate having 100 breastfeeding friendly locations in Bridlington. This breastfeeding friendly scheme is made possible due to a local partnership and collaboration between our very own Integrated Specialist Public Health Nursing service (ISPHNs), the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Children’s Centres, and local maternity services. I am very proud that we have come together to accomplish this. We are also proud to share with you the launch of virtual ward beds in Scarborough, with expansion to Whitby and Ryedale. Led by the Trust’s Community Services team, the project will provide an improved service for patients with care at home, and to enable appropriate use of services across community and acute care. We are glad that this additional support is in place and will continue to expand across more of our areas. We hope you to enjoy our newsletter. If you have any comments, ideas for articles, or if you'd like to contribute to future editions, please email hnf-tr.communications@nhs.net. Thank you, FeaturesFollowing the campaign's launch in 2022, the Breastfeeding Bridlington Campaign are celebrating their 100th breastfeeding friendly location in the town. We are proud to have launched our new virtual ward beds in Scarborough to allow patients to get the care they need at home safely and conveniently, rather than being in hospital. Governor ProfileEach month we will be sharing a profile of our one of our Governors. Governors give up their time voluntarily and have an important role to hold the non-executive directors to account for the performance of the Board of Directors and to represent the interests of the members of the Foundation Trust as a whole and the interests of the public. This month Staff Governor, Tom Nicklin tells us why he wanted to volunteer to help staff and service users. If you want to learn more about the Governors or are interested in applying for a vacancy if there are any available, please contact the Membership Office on 01482 389132. Service UpdatesOur Wellbeing Recovery Employment Service is hosting a range of employment events across the East Riding for those facing health and wellbeing related barriers to employment and education. Find out how we are marking the annual 'Week of the Nurse' campaign which aims to spread awareness and promote the brilliant work that nurses do every day at our Trust. Upcoming Awareness DatesLGBT History Month: February 2023 Week of the Nurse (Trust Awareness Week): 20-26 February 2023 Zero Discrimination Day: 1 March 2023 International Women's Day: 8 March 2023 International Social Prescribing Day: 9 March 2023 No Smoking Day: 13 March 2023 Safer Sleep Week: 13-19 March 2023 If you are interested in getting more involved in these awareness dates, please contact the communications team at HNF-TR.communications@nhs.net You can also keep up to date with the latest Trust news on our website and our social media channels which can all be accessed here and below. |