Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Ōtaki to north of Levin update

4 February 2025


NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA), Muaūpoko Tribal Authority, local hapū of Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga and council partner Horowhenua District Council (HDC) are working together to create a positive legacy for the region while we build a new, safer, efficient, and more reliable State Highway 1 (SH1) from Ōtaki to north of Levin.

In this newsletter, we’d like to update you on the speed limit consultation that is now open, share updates on the construction activities happening in your area and invite you to the first project office open day of the year.



Speed limit consultation now open

NZTA is now consulting with the community to see if there is public support to retain the lower speed limits on state highways classed as interregional connectors in your area.

The government introduced the new Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2024 last year, setting out how limits on New Zealand roads will be managed in a way that supports economic growth, boosts productivity, and enables people to get to where they are going efficiently and safely.

As part of the government's new Rule, NZTA is required to reverse speed limits set since January 2020 on some categories of road to their previous higher speed limit. 

For roads classed as interregional connectors and rural connectors NZTA has the opportunity to consult with the public to understand if there is community support to retain the lower speed limits on all or part of the route instead of seeing them reverse to the previous higher speed limit.

There are three areas of road between Ōtaki and north of Levin that are now being consulted on:

  • SH57 & SH1 to Heatherlea East Road - 300m east of SH1 intersection on Kimberley Road to 70m north of Heatherlea East Road. (Current speed limit is 80km/h, previously 100km/h)
  • SH1 Ohau to Manakau - From 150m south of Muhunoa East Road to 150m north of Waikawa Beach Road. (Current speed limit is 80km/h, previously 100km/h)
  • SH1 Manakau to Pukehou Overbridge - From 180m south of the intersection with the railway underpass road linking to Honi Taipua Street to 380m west of Pukehou Overbridge. (Current speed limit is 80km/h, previously 100km/h)

Consultation is open until Thursday 13 March. Have your say by visiting www.nzta.govt.nz/speed-consultation.



Construction started this month on the SH57/Tararua Road roundabout

SH57/Tararua Road roundabout – construction now underway

We’ve now started construction on the State Highway 57 (SH57)/Tararua Road roundabout.

NZTA and HDC are working in partnership to build the new roundabout, which will improve safety at this busy intersection and provide a future connection to the new highway and Tara-Ika growth area.

There’s been great progress made so far on the first stage of the works which will see construction of 3 legs of the roundabout and installation of watermain and Electra/ Chorus services.

We’d like to remind you, that while this work is underway, there is no access from SH57 to the western section of Tararua Road, and a detour is in place which directs vehicles heading north via Queen Street East, and those travelling south to State Highway 1 via Kimberley Road.

There is also a 30km/h temporary speed limit on SH57 nearby the site, and at times there will be stop/go traffic management to allow for the works to be completed during the day.

This section of work is expected to be complete in June. Following this the team will move on to work on the eastern side of the roundabout. The roundabout is expected to be complete around the end of 2025.

We look forward to sharing the progress over the coming months and thank you for your patience while crews complete this work.



The site investigation team continue work around the alignment

Work underway on Ō2NL site office and site investigations

It’s been a busy start to the year for the Ō2NL project and you’re likely to have seen some of the team working in the area. 

After a well-deserved break, our ground and earthwork investigation teams have resumed work in areas along the alignment. We will continue with our planned drilling, taking samples, and conducting surveys to check the soil’s stability, composition, and water content. Soon, we’ll share a summary of our findings, which will help shape our overall programme and final design.

We also started work on the Ō2NL site office based at Tararua Road. The site office will provide office space for the team throughout construction of the new highway, and also become the main space for the community to meet with the team.

We’ll be vacating the current office on Oxford Street Levin in mid-2025, when the new office is complete. Until then, we’ll continue to work and host our regular open days at our Oxford Street office.

We will continue to keep residents and neighbours updated on our work and appreciate everyone's patience as heavy machinery moves around.



Koputaroa Road turnaround

Stage 2 of SH1 Levin to Foxton safety improvements almost complete

Crews are completing the installation of flexible median barrier between Oturoa and Koputaroa Roads on SH1.  Once the barrier is installed, Stage 2 of the SH1 Levin to Foxton safety improvements project will be officially complete.

A big thank you to everyone for your patience while this work is underway.

Once this work is complete, crews will undertake a second coat seal and some remedial works on the highway. We are working through the details for this and will provide an update once they are confirmed.

There will be a break in works over the colder months with work on the roundabout at the intersection of SH1 and Waitārere Beach Road expected to start in late 2025, subject to funding approval.

Visit our website for more information about the project, nzta.govt.nz/levin-to-foxton



Ō2NL Project office, 171 Oxford Street Levin

Project office open day - Thursday 20 February 2025

Our first project office open day for 2025 will be held:

  • Thursday 20 February from 1pm – 5pm

Please join us at 171 Oxford Street, Levin to speak with the team about the new highway and other projects in your area.

Our events give us a chance to meet with you in person and answer any questions you may have. If you'd like to chat with the team between events, you can email us at O2NL@nzta.govt.nz or phone 0508 625 4636



More information


Visit our website www.nzta.govt.nz/o2nl to find out about the new highway and other projects happening in this corridor.

For more information on the Ōtaki to north of Levin programme, contact us at O2NL@nzta.govt.nz or call 0508 625 4636.