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Australian Government | Australian Renewable Energy Agency | ARENA
24 March 2021

ARENA-funded projects integrating renewables into the electricity system

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State of DER Technology Integration

In 2020, ARENA engaged farrierswier and GridWise Energy Solutions to assess the state of DER technology integration in Australia. The final report presents an industry-supported functional framework and maturity assessment of 45 DER projects.


Image: The DER functional framework diagram.


Read the report 

Read the spotlight interview 

Read the ARENAWIRE blog 


DEIP establishes 2021 work plan

Member CEOs and representatives of the Distributed Energy Integration Program (DEIP) met last week to reflect on the DEIP’s achievements over the past year and review the work plan for 2021. DEIP received resounding support to continue exploring dynamic operating envelopes, DER interoperability and EV grid integration as the top 3 priority areas in 2021.


Image: DEIP member CEOs and senior representatives at the CEO Forum on March 18.


Read the CEO Forum materials 

Sign up to the DEIP LinkedIn page 


Planning for PV-Rich Distribution Networks

A team at the University of Melbourne has developed techniques to rapidly assess the hosting capacity of residential solar PV on distribution networks using existing network and customer data. The project has also produced planning recommendations that assist distribution networks to make decisions to integrate residential PV systems in a cost-effective and practical manner.


Image: Residential solar PV.


Read the final report 

Read more about the project 


Register for a webinar on AEMO’s Project EDGE

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is working to develop an off-market, proof-of-concept DER marketplace in Victoria. In collaboration with AusNet Services and Mondo, the project aims to efficiently integrate DER and provide wholesale and local network services within the constraints of the distribution network.


AEMO will host a webinar 11:00am (AEDT) Thursday 25 March 2021 to provide an overview of the project objectives, research questions and activities.


Contact to register.

Image: Solar PV city.


Read about the project 


New to the Knowledge Bank this month


  • Curtin University’s latest report evaluates and reviews three shared solar PV/ storage-embedded networks at the White Gum Valley housing precinct in Perth, Western Australia. This second report presents the overall findings from this project.
  • Chargefox’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Network Project has delivered 22 ultra-rapid EV Charging Sites across Australia. Completed in January 2021, the project aims to make EV ownership more attractive and feasible in Australia. This report documents lessons learnt by the Chargefox team.

Demand response


Reports from the joint ARENA-AEMO Demand Response RERT Trial:

  • Enel X's final report covers the success and lessons learnt of the project throughout the three year trial, and includes recent lessons from the final period between 1 June 2020 to 30 November 2020.
  • AGL’s report covers the performance of the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) portfolio for the period June 2019 to May 2020.
  • EnergyAustralia's report covers the success of the demand response trials during the second half of 2020, and confirms that participants are able to combine their efforts to collectively support the grid when needed.

Solar PV R&D

  • UNSW’s report provides the outcomes of three ARENA projects to develop the next generation high efficiency solar cell, based on the three key technologies developed in these projects: laser doping, advanced hydrogenation, and simultaneous bifacial plating.

Hydropower and Pumped Hydro Energy Storage

  • This feasibility study assesses options for reimagining Tasmania’s Tarraleah hydropower scheme to deliver more renewable energy in a more flexible manner in the future.
Australian Government | Australian Renewable Energy Agency | ARENA
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