Please Note: If you attended the 2019 Judges Seminar but didn’t join the EVIC Zoom Seminar in 2021 you MUST attend this seminar to retain your accreditation.
Saturday 30 July
9.00am - 3.00pm
State Equestrian Centre - Ocean Foam Room
Free of charge with lunch and morning tea provided
This event is for all reaccrediting and new judges and competitors, parents and other interested members.
Hosted by Greg Gerry from Whitemere Pony Stud and National Show Horse Judge, this event will also feature guest speaker Shelley Teakle - EWA Swabbing Veterinarian.
Please register for catering purposes via Val Mayger - vmayger@bigpond.net.au
Thank you to all those who have already registered. We are asking all of you who have registered for the event to suggest topics which you would like to see discussed during the seminar.
Examples of these include workouts, what to look for in Child’s Classes, Horse of the Year scoring system and any other which you would like to see discussed.
Follow the progress of the EWA Show Horse Leaderboard on the Show Horse WA webpage. The leaderboard now includes results from Riverside and the Winter Gala.
The remaining leaderboard dates for the year are below:
HOY: Friday 9 September - Sunday 11 September
WAAHA: Saturday 8 October
Albany Horsemans: Sunday 9 October
Perth Horse & Pony Club: Sunday 16 October
The EWA Show Horse and Endeavon Products Horse & Rider of the Year program is now available on Cavaletti and the Equestrian WA website.
Entries close via Nominate on Monday 8 August at 9pm. Late entries will not be accepted.
This year’s event will feature classes for Off the Track Thoroughbred sponsored by OTTWA, classes for Purebred Arabian, Arabian Derivative and Arabian Performance Index sponsored by the Western Australian Arabian Horse Association and Ridden Shetland.
Horses do not need to be registered with EWA to compete in the Arabian classes but the rider must be either a competitor, participant or adult riding member of EWA to compete and horses must be registered in their relevant registry with the Arabian Horse Society of Australia to compete.
Horses do not need to be registered with EWA if they are only competing in the OTT class, however the owner must be an EWA competitor member and the horse must be registered when competing at the Australasian Show Horse & Rider Championships.
Riders must hold a minimum of Adult Rider membership of EWA to compete in the OTT class at the State Horse and Rider of the Year. Race name and OTT Passport Number of the horse must be included with the entry. Click here for more information with regard to obtaining an OTT Passport Number.
At the conclusion of Horse of the Year in September, the Show Horse Committee and Equestrian WA will be conducting a review into the future operations of the Show Horse High Performance Squad.
The review will focus on key areas such as selection criteria and implementing a new application process. Further information will be provided closer to the time.