The latest news & perspectives from the Michigan Conference.
Digital ministry resources from the Michigan Conference.
Pastors Mark Howard & Kameron DeVasher share study & teaching tips for this Sabbath's lesson.
Weekly Scripture songs to accompany Beginner, Kindergarten & Primary memory verses. Download sheet music here.
Come find precious treasure with MISDA Kids & enrich your child's Sabbath! New stories weekly.
Dr. Atkins visits mountain goat friends in the Black Hills.
Chad Bernard & Craig Harris discuss the 30 second rule.
Discover an activity or event that will enhance your life & ministry.
Adventurer Family Camp will be held Sep. 13-15 at Camp Au Sable. Register now.
Jackson Church 175th Anniversary
Come celebrate a historic milestone with Jackson church on Sep. 14. Click the image for more information.
STR 10th Anniversary Variety Hour
Celebrate STR's 10th anniversary with a variety hour, Sep. 14, at the Midland church
Register now for UP Marriage Retreat at Camp Sagola, Sep. 20-22.
Mother-Daughter will be held Sep. 20-22 at Camp Au Sable. Registration opens Aug. 26.
Register now for Men of Faith, which will be held in the Northwoods of Camp Au Sable Sep. 20-22.
Family First will be held Sep. 27-29 at Camp Au Sable. Registration is now open.
Upper Peninsula Women's Retreat
Bloom! UP Women's Retreat will be held Sep. 27-29 at Camp Sagola. Registration is open.
Click the banner to see this month's book & food sales.
Your go-to place for resources and more.
The latest news & perspectives from the Lake Union.
Chicago School Celebrates 111 Years
Chicago SDA Christian School celebrates 111 years at its alumni weekend.
Lake Region Leaders Present Mid-Term Reports
Leaders unveil proposal for major campground upgrades.
Andrews U Launches New Occupational Therapy Program
The new program is designed to meet one of the nation's fastest growing health-care fields.
Religious influence in government may be well-intentioned, but it risks robbing citizens of the very freedom needed for faith to thrive.
Religious Liberty Panel Discussion
Join the religious liberty discussion at 5 pm tomorrow!
The latest news & perspectives from the North American Division.
New Research Hub Advances Innovative Education at Southern U
New learning center fosters research collaboration.
Pacific Union College's Biology Department Awarded $300k
Pacific Union College receives substantial grants to develop monitoring program.
The latest news & perspectives from the General Conference.
ADRA Celebrates World Literacy Day
ADRA reaffirms its commitment to education for all.
Baptisms Cap Evangelism at Cuba's Largest Church
Members & visitors called to commit fully to God.