The latest news & perspectives from the Michigan Conference.
After Schade's first stroke in 2006, he spent five days in a coma, followed by 11 days in the hospital.
K-Anthony, an Andrews University Master of Divinity student, receives prestigious Canadian music award.
Digital ministry resources from the Michigan Conference.
Weekly Scripture songs to accompany Beginner, Kindergarten & Primary memory verses. Download sheet music here.
Come find precious treasure with MISDA Kids & enrich your child's Sabbath! New stories weekly.
Pastors Mark Howard & Kameron DeVasher share study & teaching tips for this Sabbath's lesson.
Dr. Atkins explains how animals are affected by the eclipse.
Discuss who is the greatest with Chad Bernard & Craig Harris.
Discover an activity or event that will enhance your life & ministry.
MiTribe Youth Rally will be held on April 20 at Great Lakes Adventist Academy.
At All Costs Youth Retreat
AYM Michigan Youth retreat will be held April 25-28 at the Ithaca SDA church. Register now.
This is a retreat & workshop designed for Elders, Deacons, & Deaconesses.
"The Power of Words" marriage retreat will be held May 3-5 at Camp Au Sable. Registration is open.
Be There Sabbath School Workshop
Breathe new life into all-age Sabbath School classes by attending a one-day workshop on May 5 at the conference office. Register now.
Attend the Empower Workshop on May 5 for seminars & training on local literature evangelism. Register now!
Sign up now for the camp meeting Fun Run. Proceeds will support GLAA students. Register by May 23 to receive a memorabilia T-shirt.
Revive Clinic at Camp Meeting
Take your camp meeting experience to another level with individual services for your health. Preregister now.
Michigan Teacher Positions
Teacher positions available across the Michigan Conference. Apply now!
Click the banner to see this month's book & food sales.
Your go-to place for resources and more.
The latest news & perspectives from the Lake Union.
Lake Union Pledges $1 Million for Pastors & Teachers
Lake Union pledges $1 million to incoming Andrews University students to pursue careers as pastors & teachers.
Messages of Hope & Warning
What did Adventist pioneers do as they wrestled with thorny issues of their day?
Spanish Worship Service Launched
Historically African American church launches Spanish worship service experience.
Indiana Campground Popular Eclipse-Watching Spot
More than 100 watch eclipse on the campgrounds of Timber Ridge camp.
New Illinois Communication Director
Matthew Lucio named as new Communication director for the Illinois conference.
The latest news & perspectives from the North American Division.
Members Distribute Books in Places with No SDA Presence
Church mobilizes to share The Great Controversy with previously unreached people.
ADRA Assists with Russian Floods
Flood water displace thousands in Russia.
The latest news & perspectives from the General Conference.
New Film Debuts about Adventist Pioneers
The film is released by Hope Channel International.
Deaf Camp Meeting in Ghana Marks a Milestone
Fourteen individuals baptized at seventh-annual deaf camp meeting.