President's MessageJon Townsend, DVM, PhD, DABVP (Dairy Practice), President As the great Yankee Yogi Berra is quoted as possibly saying, “It’s déjà vu all over again.” For the second straight year I have had to witness the cancellation of the annual ABVP Symposium. It was extremely disappointing after all the work and worry that Dr. Carondelet Nollner, Marisa Hackemann, and the entire Symposium Committee committed to this year’s Symposium. We worked overtime to formulate a plan with our conference hotel to create a safe environment for an excellent in-person meeting and were prepared to execute that plan. However, we couldn’t plan for Mother Nature and Hurricane Ida. Due to the damage wrought by the storm in and around New Orleans the hotel cancelled our contract. We will look to hopefully visit New Orleans in the spring of 2024. While I am disappointed, this emotion pales in comparison for the concerns I have for the great people of Louisiana. Our thoughts are with them as they recover from the devastation. While we think of them, time doesn’t stop and Dr. Nollner will soon turn the page and begin to finalize plans for our 2022 Annual Symposium in Chicago that will run from April 21st to the 24th. I hope to finally see you in person. The only other piece of information that I wanted to pass along to you is a brief discussion of the strategic plan. While the Symposium didn’t go as planned that didn’t stop us from having our planned COR meeting – just in a virtual format. We further discussed the strategic plan that we are looking to incorporate into our decision-making process during our call. To remind you, our strategic plan is focused on outcomes over the next 3-4 years and is focused on four areas. Those areas or “goals” include Leadership, Value, Branding, and Growth. Dr. Amy Hinc volunteered to be our Growth Champion, Dr. Renee Rucinsky will be our Leadership Champion, Dr. Ashleigh Sanchez will be our Branding Champion, and Dr. Stephanie Janeczko will be our Value Champion. All regents and chairs will assist in these four areas, but I would encourage you to volunteer to help shape the direction of ABVP by assisting with the work needed in one or more of these areas. The Champions and regents will be reaching out to you in the future to ask for help. Just a short message this month as this newsletter is full of information but I hope you all are well and things are good at your end of the barn. Jon Hello, fellow Diplomates! My name is Sonnya Dennis, I am DABVP (Canine and Feline), and I am the new Maintenance of Certification Chair. I hope to live up to and build on all the fantastic things that Dr. Rucinsky has started. As you are all aware by now, there have been BIG changes in how MOC works. As someone who recently MOC’ed just prior to these changes, I can say unequivocally that I wish that I waited! It is SO much easier now. For example, instead of waiting until the 11th hour (or 10th year) and scrambling to enter points, then hoping they are all accepted, you can upload as you go. You will see how many points you are getting as you go along. This is a huge improvement in efficiency and transparency. This is also helpful for the MOC Vice Chairs. Who are they, you may ask? They are the folks, in each Recognized Veterinary Specialty (RVS), who review your submissions and approve them. Why? Because this is not just some random junk that we make up to torture you. We (ABVP and the MOC Committee) are beholden to the standards of the AVMA’s American Board of Veterinary Specialties to prove that our standards are high and meet their expectations. Fun fact: ABVP used to be the only Recognized Veterinary Specialty Organization (RVSO) that required MOC; now, AVMA requires it of ALL the RVSOs. We should be proud of that! No sitting on our laurels! I will be working with Prolydian and the Vice Chairs to help improve the experience of uploading your points as we go. The Vice Chairs and I welcome your input, and we will do our best to work within our limitations of money, time, programming, and physics to help you MOC. Handy Links: Contact Your MOC Vice Chair:
Journal Club Links:
Email Your MOC Vice ChairsJournal Club LinksThe ABVP Foundation is very proud to announce the 2021 Virtual Auction, which will run until November 18 at 5 PM Central Time! 100% of proceeds will benefit the ABVP Foundation's mission to "Advance and elevate the health and well being of animals". Specific areas of support this year include the provision of Denny French Fellowships (funds awarded to outstanding veterinary students to defray the cost of attending the annual symposium). We are very pleased with the variety of offerings, which range from an in-depth professional coaching program to weekend retreats to veterinary textbooks. Our hope is the virtual format will allow all Diplomates to participate even if they are not able to attend the symposium in person. Our sincere thanks to the donors of auction items, including Blue Heron Consulting, Dr. Julie Hass, Dr. Bob Sager, Dr. Denny French, and Dr. Thomas Hansen. Scan the QR Code above to see the offerings and bid! 2021 Oxbow Quest Award WinnerCongratulations are in order for Dr. Jennifer Graham, DABVP (Avian Practice), DABVP (Exotic Companion Mammal Practice), DACZM who received the 2021 Oxbow Exotic Mammal Health (Quest) Award at ExoticsCon in Nashville, TN! Established in 2009, the Quest Award is presented annually to an animal health professional who advances the field of exotic mammal medicine and care. ABVP is pleased to announce the launch of its new store in partnership with Threadfellows. Show your pride in your certification and check out what we have to offer today! If you are interested in seeing other items offered, please let us know and we will work with Threadfellows to add them to the store in the future. Diplomate PublishedDr. Emilia Wong Gordon, DABVP (Shelter Medicine Practice) was recently published in a new peer-reviewed study from the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery titled, "Effect of a provincial feline onychectomy ban on cat intake and euthanasia in a British Columbia animal shelter system". Residency and Job PostingsDon’t forget ABVP has classified listings for open positions all over the USA! Event Calendar 2022January 15, 2022
April 21-24, 2022
July 1, 2022
July 15, 2022
September 1, 2022
Invitation to complimentary continuing education event sponsored by Royal Canin. Connect to the future of veterinary medicine at the Vet Symposium! We are thrilled to host you at our virtual experience on September 28 and 29, 2021, where we will host live as well as on demand sessions led by global experts and KOLs. |