Thank you, Pastor Kyle
We thank Pastor Kyle for her leadership over this past year. This Sunday will be her last official service as our Interim Pastor.
Join us after church this Sunday for cake and coffee.
After a few weeks off, she will be the Interim Associate Pastor at First Congregational in Glen Ellyn.
Welcome, Pastor Erin!
We are excited to welcome Pastor Erin Wyma as our new Senior Pastor beginning November 1st. Her first service will be November 6th. We invite all to attend a Get-to-Know Pastor Erin brunch after church on November 13th. Please RSVP on the sign-up sheet in the narthex and indicate if you can bring a pre-cooked breakfast casserole, fruit, or a brunch sweet to share. You can also call or email the office.
Donation Drop-off this Saturday
Betty Greer will be here on Saturday, October 29th from 1-2:30pm collecting donations for People's Resource Center and Interfaith Food Pantry. Most needed items are listed on the left sidebar. Your generosity is appreciated!
Service of Remembrance
On Sunday, October 30th, during worship, we will read the names of those from our church who have died in the past year. We hope this will be a service of celebration and healing for those who have suffered a loss and a time once again to give God thanks for the lives of those who have touched our own.
Stewardship 2023: Vision for the Future
“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11
It’s that time of year again! Please bring your pledge card with you this Sunday or pledge online.
Click here to pledge online.
Commitment Sunday is October 30th.
Sleep Out Saturday
Click here to support the crazies on Sleep Out Saturday!
On Saturday, November 5th, the crazies youth group will participate in Sleep Out Saturday in support of Bridge Communities and to raise awareness of family homelessness. They have set a fundraising goal of $500. Can you help? Funds raised will go toward Bridge Communities' Transitional Housing Program.
Donation Drop-off
Betty Greer will be at church on Saturday, October 29th from 1-2:30pm to collect donations for People's Resource Center and Interfaith Food Pantry. Most needed iteems are listed in the left sidebar. Thank you!
Pickleball - November 12th
Back by Popular Demand!
Adults are invited to come play pickleball on Saturday, November 12th from 2-4pm at the indoor pickleball courts at the Warren Ave. Warrenville Park District Facility. The cost for participants will be approximately $12/person (depending on number of participants), which includes instruction for beginners as well as a little something extra for the instructor. Grabbing dinner afterward will also be an option.
This Membership Life event is limited to 30 participants and sign-up is required. The sign-up sheet is in the narthex. You may also contact Tracey Blake at 630.946.4884 (stutra@hotmail.com) or Linda Raymond (lindaraymond2002@yahoo.com) with questions or to reserve a spot.
Advent Decorating
The Worship committee is asking for volunteers to help decorate the church for Advent. They will meet after church on Sunday, November 20th to get the decorations out of storage and then again from 5-6pm that evening to decorate the church.
Click here to sign up for either or both times. You can also contact Bruce Anderson to let him know you can help.
Sunday Coffee Hour
Our Sunday coffee hour will resume in Dobstaff. Please consider bringing a treat on the following weeks:
First Sunday- last names A-C
Second Sunday- last names D-H
Third Sunday - last names I-O
Fourth Sunday - last names P-Z
Fifth Sunday- Anyone
Please contact Wendy Fanning if you are able to set up or clean up coffee hour. Thanks for your help.
Online Sunday Worship
The St. Matthew worship service will be streamed every Sunday at 9:30am. The service will be available on our website after the service.
Access the service through the St. Matthew YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/StMatthewUCC
**Once you are on YouTube, you have the option to turn on closed captioning and resize the font. Once the video is playing, click on the setting wheel in lower-right of your screen, choose Subtitles/CC, then choose English.**
You can also go to the St. Matthew homepage (stmatthewucc.org) to access the online service.
Online Giving
Go to our website for instructions on how to donate to St. Matthew. Thank you!