No images? Click here ![]() March 2022Hi Welcome to a very short March newsletter. It is with great sadness that I write this newsletter. Many of you will already have heard that we were not successful in our bid to Scottish Government and as of June 2022 SENScot will no longer be funded. See the statement from our board. I know just about everyone that reads this newsletter and you’ll know how passionately I feel about the work I do at SENScot and how much I care about our members. I really feel like I am losing a family. I’d like you all to know that I will do my very best to make sure that you are connected to organisations that can give you ongoing support in our absence- please just get in touch. Check out details of our last big event below- Community-led Tourism in Scotland. If you’d like to stay connected with me, you can find me on social media: ![]() A peaceful moment in the woods, March 2022 Remember you can post events and jobs on the Senscot website. Community-led Tourism in Scotland![]() On the week of the 21st of March, we are hosting a series of conversations focussing on community-led tourism in Scotland. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with industry, communities and our policymakers to explore the opportunities and barriers facing community-led tourism in Scotland. See the full programme here to book you place. UpdatesLast week I gave evidence at the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee. The focus of the meeting was the Scottish Government’s Spending Review and in particular I was asked to consider how budgetary decisions can support the mainstreaming of culture across the Scottish Government, including the impact on health and wellbeing. You can read my submission here and watch the session here. Read about Bùth Bharraigh and their community asset transfer plans. Funding & OpportunitiesCancellation Fund for Cultural Organisations Film Development and Production Fund Market and Festival Attendance Fund New grant programmes for Scotland’s historic environment Open Fund: Sustaining Creative Development The Workplace Equality Fund- closes 11th of April Youth Music Initiative’s Access to Music Making and Strengthening Youth Music Funds TendersDon’t forget that you can view current and future tender opportunities on the P4P website and contact the P4P team for advice and support. P4P also offers fully funded support to groups of social enterprises and other third sector organisations who are hoping to develop a new partnership or collaborative project. This could include: support to plan/draft joint tenders; advice on consortium models; facilitation of development sessions on collaboration planning/strategy; drafting or reviewing partnership agreements; and follow up support to established partnerships. To find out more and contact a member of the team visit the P4P website. EventsFor events run by and for social enterprises See here You can submit events to our website- links will be included in all the thematic newsletters and the weekly bulletin. You can also list your event for free on and The List. If you have anything for next months newsletter email me at |