SPH This Week.January 16, 2022Must Reads.IN MEMORIAML. Adrienne Cupples, emeritus professor of biostatistics and epidemiology, passed away on January 13 after a long battle with cancer.
Q&AMedical-grade masks provide better protection than cloth masks against the highly contagious Omicron variant. SPH professors in the Department of Environmental Health share guidance on how to select, wear, and preserve KF94, KN95, and N95 masks. Think. Teach. Do.VIEWPOINTIn a new reflection for SPH's idea hub, Craig Andrade, associate dean for practice and director of the Activist Lab, offers a reminder of the struggles that led to this holiday.
RESEARCHA new perspective paper led by Jacob Bor, assistant professor of global health and epidemiology, zeroes in on policymakers' failure to disseminate conclusive evidence that HIV medicine prevents sexual transmission of the virus. PUBLIC HEALTH POSTResearchers studied the impact of Gay-Straight Alliances and school anti-bullying policies on LGBTQ youths’ experiences of harassment and perceived social support. In the Media.WASHINGTON POSTQuotes Julia Raifman, assistant professor of health law, policy & management. BOSTON GLOBEQuotes Matthew Fox, professor of epidemiology. WBURQuotes Jonathan Levy, professor of environmental health. BOSTON HERALDQuotes Davidson Hamer, professor of global health. Get Involved.Connect with SPH.Conversation Starters for TwitterSUGGESTED TWEETWhich masks should I wear? Where can I buy them? Can they be reused? @_jonlevy, Wendy Heiger-Bernays, & @PatriciaFabianS discuss everything you need to know about wearing the best masks to prevent the spread of #COVID19 during the #Omicron surge. https://ctt.ec/4cvG1+ Follow Us. |