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Shared path running up to Ōrākei Road, and upgraded ramp to the rail overbridge.


Vital connections completed on Section 4 (Ōrākei Basin to Tamaki Drive)

The shared paths connecting Ōrākei Basin Boardwalk to Purewa Bridge (along Ōrākei Road), and along Ngapipi Road (from Whakatakataka Reserve past the boatsheds to Tamaki Drive) are completed. 

A boardwalk – currently in the consenting process - will eventually connect these two sections.

To fill the gap until the boardwalk is complete, AT has widened parts of the footpath along the rest of Ngapipi Road and is installing a temporary northbound cycle lane to cater for the increasing number of people travelling through on foot and bike, particularly the many families with children now using the route.  The cycle lane is nearly complete, with further signage to be installed and completion of the cycle ramp at the northern end. Road lane widths will still allow for safe large vehicle and bus movement. 

As part of the shared path project, AT took the opportunity to greatly improve mobility access to Ōrākei Train Station. AT has upgraded the mobility car parks, smoothed the surfacing, and improved the gradients on the ramp up to the overbridge which takes people across to the station. In addition, AT has also improved safety at the intersection on Ōrākei Road with the Ōrākei Train Station entrance, including traffic signals for vehicles and a safe crossing for pedestrians on this busy road.

The planting of natives around the new shared path will take place in the planting season mid-year.



Shared path on Ngapipi Road, near the boatsheds


Completing this path – one remaining piece of the puzzle

With three sections now open – that’s over 5km of the full 7km route - hundreds of locals are enjoying the path to travel locally to school, to work and for pleasure. We know the community is eager to see the path completed to give them a continuous connection all the way to the waterfront and destinations beyond. We are in the consenting process for the remaining piece of the puzzle – the 700m long boardwalk.




A community asset, connecting with nature

We received overwhelmingly positive feedback about the design for the boardwalk, which follows the Hobson Bay coastline. Distanced from rail and traffic noise, it will provide a respite in people’s daily commute, and attract more people to opt for healthy, congestion free ways to travel. With its stunning surrounds it will also be a popular destination for Aucklanders. You can learn more about the design here.

Got a question about Section 4? Please email



Final piece of Section 2 completed on Purewa Road.


Section 2 update

As you know, Section 2 of the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared path opened mid-last year, however, there was a short 100m section of the path between Meadowbank Train Station and Ōrākei Basin that we needed to come back and complete later as the construction for the Teal Apartment Buildings was happening in the area at the time.

If you haven’t seen it already, we’re happy to share that this section of the path has now been completed and it’s only a couple of pieces of mahi toi (Māori artwork) that are yet to be installed and blessed by our iwi partners which will be around mid-2023.



More information


To find out more about the project, or you have any questions:
