BMAA's new email news service No images? Click here BMAA launches new email news service There's always a lot happening at the BMAA and we want to make sure you get to hear about it. That's why we've launched this new email service - to deliver BMAA news directly to your inbox. We won't spam you; we'll just send you the news items that we already publish on our website at All of the rest of the news, gossip, events, articles, help and tips will still be in our magazine, Microlight Flying, and its sister online publication, e-MF. Make sure you stay up to date with news about British Microlighting. Share this email with someone you know who would like to hear more about microlighting and help us grow our sport - use the share options below. [And if you don't want to hear from us, just click on the 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom!] See you at Popham: |