Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
IFAM seafood industry briefing
Australian seafood producers, exporters and agribusinesses are invited to attend a seafood briefing from the International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) team:
Participants will learn the latest airfreight and export news, including the latest flight developments, insights into the supply chain environment and how this affects the seafood sector.
This free webinar will be held on Thursday 5 May 2022 at 1pm AWST. Registration is essential for this event.
A live question and answer discussion will be held at the end of the briefing. You can submit questions via the registration form. Source and Photo: IFAM / Austrade
Western Australian premium food and beverages on show
From 4 to 12 May 2022, Western Australia will host a Premium Food and Beverages International Buyers' Mission. Called Taste Western Australia, this program will showcase a wide range of export-ready products to high-end international importers and retailers.
This mission is an opportunity for overseas buyers to source West Australian products through targeted networking events and buyer matching activities held in the Perth metro and Swan Valley, Great Southern and South West regions.
If you are an export-ready WA business and wish to be a part of this event, please express your interest through:
Places are limited and subject to international buyers’ interest matching. Source and Graphic: DPIRD and GSDC
Register now for Seafood Directions Conference 2022
For the first time since 2019, the national seafood industry will be converging in Queensland from 13 to 15 September 2022 to attend the industry's premier ideas, innovation and networking event.
Join industry colleagues at Seafood Directions 2022 for a thought-provoking and enjoyable few days in Brisbane tackling industry issues, from water to plate – bringing together leaders, innovators and disruptors from all sectors of the seafood industry.
Presentation topics will include: innovation and technology; the global consumer; resource security; wellness; and energy and renewables.
Early-bird ticket sales are available until 24 June 2022. Seafood Industry Australia has been awarded the tender to host and manage Seafood Directions 2022, 2024 and 2026. Source and Graphic: SD2022
Report: Global wine industry must reassess supply chain assumptions
Since mid-2021, many aspects of the global wine supply chain have been disrupted. While some disruptions have been short term in nature, geopolitical factors and rising energy prices have started to appear as more structural problems, according to a new report by agribusiness banking specialist Rabobank.
In 2021, Australian wine exports to China fell by 97%, after China imposed large tariffs on our wine. The report recommends increased diversification to decrease reliance on China.
The price of crude oil and natural gas has risen significantly since March 2021. Increased energy prices affect many parts of the supply chain for wineries – including fertiliser costs, transportation, and packaging (glass bottles). Re-thinking packaging options, such as utilising reusable bottles, was one solution put forward to help reduce energy costs. More... Source: Rabobank | Photo: Caroline Attwood / Unsplash
IMF: Pandemic’s e-commerce surge less persistent, more varied
The share of retail done online is settling back in line with pre-pandemic trends across various economies, according to research released recently by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). While e-commerce helped many navigate the pandemic – from online shopping to curbside pickup to food delivery – as we slowly emerge from lockdowns and other restrictions, it’s less clear how this shift to digital commerce may evolve across economies and industries.
The pandemic accelerated digitalisation, forcing consumers to learn how to shop online, and this trend is here to stay, but the persistence of this trend does not appear broad-based, the IMF said.
During the initial surge of the pandemic, there was a big demand for e-commerce relative to in-person commerce. Economies and sectors already familiar with some of the technologies were able to go online to a larger degree. While the pandemic forced consumers to learn quickly, the results suggest that early adopters further extended the use of e-commerce within their economies. More... Source and Graphic: IMF