Welcome to your moment to ROAR!
Issue # 30

Dear Friend,

Happy summer 2024.

This month, I'd like all of you to think about love and romance. For those of you who have a partner, June is the perfect time to make sure that you are spending time together and to make some special vacation plans for July and August.

For those of you who do not have a partner, you are part of a large tribe! There are over 60 million people over 50 who are single! Many of them are ready for a relationship, whether they are never married, widowed, or divorced. This summer, I'll be celebrating two friends (60 and 56 years old) who will be getting married, both for the second time.

When I heard the 60 million over 50 statistic from Laurie Gerber, a relationship and dating coach with a specialty practice for dating over 50, I knew that she would be a perfect guest for our ROAR community.

This month, she offers some do’s and don'ts for dating over 50. I'm also very excited that Laurie will lead a one-hour Dating Over 50 workshop for all of you on July 10 at 7 pm ET. If you'd like to join, sign up on the link here. It's a complimentary session for our newsletter subscribers. (If you'd like to invite a friend, send them this newsletter for the link and ask them to sign up for future newsletters, too!) If you are single, this is the perfect time to think about reinventing your life and embracing a relationship that fits your needs!


Also this month, we have guest voices from the founders of Camp REINVENTION, as well as two Re-Imagineers who are inspirations for us all. In her 50s, Jeanne Noonan has gone back to school to "refire" into a new career as an interior designer, a profession that has always interested her. And then there is Pat Torres, who I met in Broome, Australia, an amazing indigenous leader who continues to grow and expand as a lifelong learner.

In last month's newsletter, you read about my 50+ adventure travel group's recent trip to Western Australia.

Below you can read all about it in a story that I wrote for Esquire. You'll be awed by the Kimberley and our experience there.

On the subject of reinvention, I'm sure you saw how Sports Illustrated has completely reformatted its annual Swimsuit issue. This year, they included many women over 50, from Christie Brinkley and Tyra Banks to my friend and colleague Gayle King, who at 69 was one of the cover personalities (see the story below). It's a huge step for the inclusion of amazing women over 50. We need more of this in editorial, advertising, and roles in television and movies.

This ROAR newsletter is now read by over 20,000 subscribers, so you are part of a community of like-minded individuals who continue to grow, reimagine, and ROAR.  Share your thoughts on other topics that you would like us to cover each month. It will be great to hear from you. I'm at michael@roarforward.com.


Meet a Re-Imagineer
Jeanne Noonan
Jeanne Noonan

From media to interior design, Jeanne harnesses her creativity

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Pat Torres
Pat Torres
Lessons from Pat, an Australian Indigenous leader
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At ROAR, we believe that retirement is an outdated construct. We love the idea of ‘refiring’ into the second half of life. Meet our Re-Imagineer McGarvey Black who is a believer!

ROAR by the Numbers

Global birth rates are down. In the U.S., we need 2.2 % replacement rates to sustain populations and we are at 1.6%. This story captures the global issue.

Take a Moment

In a pivotal moment for the representation of women 50+, Sports Illustrated breaks the age discrimination ceiling. See the attached article on my friend and colleague Gayle King, 69, who joined other age-busters!

One more thing...

At ROAR, we want all single people over 50 to have romance, intimacy, sex, and love.  But we also want everyone to remember to be smart about sexual health. Click for more.

In case you missed it

Issue #29 - ROAR May Newsletter - ROARing from Western Australia

Read Now

Issue #28 - ROAR April Newsletter - ROAR forward into Lifelong Learning

Read Now

Issue #27 - ROAR March Newsletter - ROARing into Spring 2024!

Read Now

ROAR into the second half of your life (before it's too late)
ROAR into the second half of your life (before it's too late)

In ROAR into the Second Half of Your Life - Before It’s Too Late, longtime publishing executive and author Michael Clinton offers those considering midlife transformation a proven process to achieve a passionate and fulfilling life. With expert insights and actionable techniques, the book offers an empowering path for reimaging and embracing your future through a dynamic process called ROAR:

Reimagine yourself
Own who you are
Act on what’s next
Reassess your relationships

Michael shows readers how to ROAR into their future. Demonstrated through his own example, along with tips, resources, and true stories from over forty people who didn’t let their age or other setbacks stop them, readers will aspire to pursue their goals and get back to a life well-lived. Prescriptive and inspiring. ROAR will motivate, entertain, and transform readers.

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