Performance Excellence:
Putting it All Together
Over the last several months, you’ve been introduced to Performance Excellence and Daily Management. You understand why this transformation is important to you and our hospital and how it works. So — what’s next? The next step is your friend, literally.
You should have received a new badge buddy earlier this year (shown in the image above) with various easy-to-use QR codes. Here is how we need you to use the Performance Excellence side in the coming weeks.
Do you or your unit have a Performance Excellence success story? Have you or your department implemented a process improvement this year that you want to share? We want to know about it! As a department, select one improvement that made the biggest impact. It doesn’t matter how it came about — an idea ticket, a conversation over lunch, your daily huddle or a Kaizen. We want to hear about the change that made the biggest transformation. The Performance Excellence team will select a few of those to be featured in a 2022 Performance Excellence recap video. Every department or unit should submit one and we are asking that you do so by November 13. It is easy—just scan the Completed Process Improvement QR code on the badge buddy and enter a few sentences and contact
information. Those who are selected will then hear from the Performance Excellence team to learn more about your submission. Additionally this month, you will see leaders rounding with you at huddles — this is your chance to bring questions – no matter if they are Performance Excellence related, hospital communication related, or anything else about HMSL. We want to help you keep connected and in-the-know about the hospital. Tell us how we can do that!
You are invited to the HMSL Employee Fair on Tuesday, Nov. 1. There will be stations throughout Brazos Conference Center where you can get to know what's happening across HMSL. Those who visit will be given a "passport" to be stamped at each station. Those who fill up their passport will receive a special prize. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with an appearance from noon to 1 p.m. from Houston Texans mascot Toro. Click here to save the flyer and make sure to bring a friend along!
Thank you so much for your participation in our Employee Opinion Survey (EOS). It was our first EOS in two years and you truly did help us knock it out of the park. We finished EOS with a participation rate of 87% which surpassed our 85% goal. Congratulations to those who won a swag bag in the last week of the survey, as well as those who won prizes from corporate HR. Corporate winners will be contacted soon.
Employees in the Community
Jesus Martinez, an outpatient physical therapist, recently conducted three community outreach seminars to the firefighters of Richmond and Sugar Land. The seminars took place at Richmond Fire Station No. 1 throughout September. Topics in his seminar included optimizing functional fitness and nutrition. In addition to lectures, Jesus carried out a hands-on workshop to improve mobility and reduce risk for injury. We are grateful for Jesus’ time in sharing this valuable information to more than two dozen firefighters who attended.
Tuesday, Nov. 1 marks the launch of HeartCode® Complete, an American Heart Association® and Laerdal® program for Basic Life Support (BLS) renewal course at HMSL. Read more about the program here and stop by the HMSL Employee Fair to meet the manikin. Thank you to Clinical Education for making this available.
It's almost time to “fall back!” This weekend, on Nov. 6, clocks will be adjusted back one hour due to the end of Daylight Saving Time (DST). Please read this week’s IT Matters for details on how this will impact programs like Epic and LaborWorkx.
Stay Healthy This Flu Season
Flu season is here. It is mandatory for all HM employees to get the flu vaccine. The deadline to be compliant is Thursday, November 3. HM has a great online resource to stay update on flu season, which you can access here. In Dr. Phillips’ COVID-19 update this week, he addressed why we are still masking on campus.
As he stated, with winter coming there is a good chance of a COVID-19 uptick, in combination with a bad flu season. Wearing a mask protects vulnerable patients and we strongly encourage patients and visitors to keep masks on as well.
Pumpkin Decorating Contest Winners
Happy Halloween! We hope you enjoy all the fun a holiday like today brings. Kudos and shout outs are in order for the pumpkin decorating contest submissions. Everyone’s submissions were fun and creative, but a few stood out in three categories and are this year’s winners: Most Popular: Food and Nutrition
Most Creative: Labor and Delivery
Spookiest: General Surgery Congratulations to the winners and thank you to our Employee Activity Committee for coordinating.
Here are some fun facts about Halloween: The White House was first decorated for the holiday in 1958 by First Lady Mamie Eisenhower. The Scottish and Irish used to carve turnips for Halloween. When they immigrated to the U.S., they found that pumpkins were easier to carve. The National Retail Federation estimates that Halloween
will bring in $10.6 million in the U.S. this year.
During the Mexican holiday Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), observed in the U.S. on Nov. 1 and 2, families welcome back the souls of their deceased loved ones for a reunion that includes food, drink and celebration. According to tradition, the children who have passed come back to visit on Nov. 1 and the adults visit the following day, Nov. 2nd.
Convenience Corner: #LifeHack
TikTok sensation Barbara “Babs” Costello, offers a #LifeHack with tips and tricks to make carving pumpkins a whole lot easier! Tip # 1: The best way to carve a pumpkin is sitting down with the pumpkin in your lap. Costello suggests cutting the bottom of the pumpkin off, not the top. Tip # 2: Use
a hand mixer to loosen up all the strings and seeds from inside the pumpkin. This makes it so much easier to clean out! Tip # 3: Ever considered using cookie cutters and a rubber mallet to carve your design?
Tip # 4: Cover the cut surfaces with Vaseline to make the pumpkin last longer. Tip # 5: For a yummy-smelling twist, Costello recommends sprinkling some cinnamon on the inside top of your pumpkin for a festive pumpkin spice smell when a candle is lit inside the pumpkin.
Happy fall, y’all! Please share your carved pumpkin pictures on Chris’ Corner, along with any tips and tricks that have helped.
Pandemic and Outbreak Resources
Please take time to read this very special message that was sent to radiation therapists in our Cancer Center. "To the radiation therapists who helped treat me: Four years ago, some annoying little Gleason Score 5 tumor cells snuck out of my prostate in the middle of the night before Dr. Boon had a chance to cut them out of me. Assuming they didn't migrate to some other part of my body, but stayed close to home in my prostate, the eight weeks of radiation treatments I just went through should have killed them. If all of that is true, then there is a 98% probability that I will be around long enough to see my grandkids graduate from high school and college, to watch my son walk my granddaughter down the aisle at
her wedding, and if I am really, really lucky, I may eventually get to tickle, tease and make funny faces at a great-grandkid or two. While everyone who works in Radiation Oncology will have given me those extra years that I can enjoy with my family, you in particular deserve a large portion of the credit for that. I had wanted to tell at least some of you that directly last Friday, but I didn't get the chance. By the time I had changed out of my gown after my last treatment, everyone had disappeared, having already moved on to treating the next patients. So, belatedly, I just want to say that I am most grateful for what you have done for me. I will do my best to make good use of the extra time you have given me."
Wednesday, November 2: BLS Course. Main B&C. 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. More information here. Thursday, November 3 - Friday, November 4: ACLS Course (2-day course). Main A&D. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. More information here. Saturday, November 5: Holiday Fashion Show featuring local cancer survivors, caregivers and health care providers. Dillard's at First Colony Mall. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Click here for more information. Thursday November 10: Night Shift Governance Council
meeting. Main Conference Rooms A & D, 7:30 a.m. Virtual option here. Saturday, November 12: AHA Heart Walk. Join Team HMSL here. Saturday, November 12: Family Photo
Day at HMSL. Sessions available for $35. Read more and register here. Questions? Email Rashna Barge. Tuesday, November 15: PALS Classes. Education Conference Room. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. More information here. Thursday, November 17: Bring your donation for Magnet's Thanks-and-Giving to the Clinical Education office. More information here.
World Series Schedule vs Philadelphia Phillies Game 3: Monday, Oct. 31
Game 4: Tuesday, Nov, 1
Game 5: Wednesday, Nov. 2
Game 6: Friday, Nov. 4*
Game 7: Saturday, Nov. 5* * = if needed
Sunday, Nov. 3: vs Philadelphia Eagles
Monday, Oct. 31: @ Los Angeles Clippers Wednesday, Nov. 2: vs Los Angeles Clippers Saturday, Nov. 5: @ Minnesota Timberwolves
Wednesday, Nov. 2: Stevie Nicks, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Thursday, Nov. 3: Carrie Underwood, Toyota Center Saturday, Nov. 5 - Sunday, Nov 6: Chris Rock, Smart Financial Centre
I wanted to share a skeleton joke this week, but none were very humerus.