Western Australian Agrifood Export eNews
IFAM Western Australian industry freight briefing
Western Australian exporters, producers and agribusinesses are invited to hear the latest airfreight and export news from International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM), Agribusiness Expansion Initiative (ABEI), the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Fremantle Ports and Perth Airport.
IFAM is a temporary, targeted, emergency support measure put in place by the Australian Government to keep global air links open in response to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This free webinar takes place on 24 November 2021 at 11am AWST and will feature: Michael Byrne, International Freight Coordinator General; David Lawson, Assistant General Manager, ABEI; Terry Burnage, International Airfreight Co-ordinator, DPIRD; Dominique Thatcher, Digital Leader Logistics Solutions, Fremantle Port Authority; and Pan Pan, Vice President Aviation Business Development, Perth Airport.
Don't miss this opportunity to speak directly with freight logisticians and supply chain presenters. Please submit any questions on notice for discussion to freightbriefing@austrade.gov.au by 23 November 2021. More... Source and Photo: IFAM / Austrade
New Partnering for Customer Value case study released
The first of the new Partnering for Customer Value case studies is now available online. Here’s a real-world example of how a business, such as South Australian jam maker Beerenberg, can add value to their product by co-creating with their intermediaries.
Acclaimed South Australian jam producer Anthony Paech of Beerenberg explains: “If you’ve got a solid relationship of trust, you are half-way there”.
Read the Beerenberg Case Study to learn more about how their partnering journey might provide insights into your own business growth. More... Source: DPIRD | Photo: Beerenberg
Applications for EMDG closing soon
The Australian Government's Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) applications for the year close at 2pm AWST on 30 November 2021.
The Austrade program is designed to help Australian businesses grow their exports in international markets. These grants encourage small to medium enterprises to market and promote their goods and services globally.
Businesses with eligible expenses for the financial year ending 30 June 2021 can submit an application for reimbursement until 30 November 2021 (or 28 February 2022 if a participating EMDG consultant is used). More... Source: Austrade | Photo: Kaitlyn Baker / Unsplash
Cold as ice: new facility enhancing shelf life of exports
A new state-of-the-art trade facility at Toowoomba’s Wellcamp Airport in Queensland is using cool technology to help supercharge airfreight for agricultural producers in the region.
The Toowoomba Wellcamp Trade Distribution Centre, which opened in July, is helping primary producers and exporters by increasing the shelf life of products. These include beef, dairy, fruit, vegetables, pork and packaged nuts.
The centre has a gross floor area of 4,000 square metres (sqm) and includes 1,500 sqm of refrigerated storage, freezer rooms and temperature-controlled transit areas. It also has a large transit and covered external storage areas. The $20 million project was completed in just 156 days.
The new facility has been working hand-in-hand with flights supported by the Australian Government’s International Freight Assistance Mechanism.
In Western Australia, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is working with AusIndustry on a Cold Chain Optimisation project, which aims to improve capacity in cold chain practices for perishable goods. For more information, please email Terry.Burnage@dpird.wa.gov.au or Brett.Henderson@ep.industry.gov.au. More... Source: Austrade / DPIRD | Photo: Austrade
Australian Government Simplified Trade System – Town Hall
The Federal Government is reviewing Australia’s end-to-end trade environment to see how it can simplify regulations, systems and processes for importers and exporters.
Take this opportunity to learn about the Government’s Simplified Trade System and how it will make cross-border trade cheaper, faster and easier for Australian businesses. This virtual session provides you with an opportunity to influence what is working well and what should be improved in the current system.
Head of the Simplified Trade System Implementation Taskforce, Randall Brugeaud, will host a Town Hall to update businesses on the Taskforce's work, answer your questions and share how you can get involved.
Australian Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, the Hon Dan Tehan MP, will provide opening remarks on his leadership role of the Simplified Trade System reform agenda.
Mr Paul Little AO, Simplified Trade System Industry Advisory Council Chair, will explain the Council’s role in supporting the Taskforce’s business engagement, ensuring Australian business needs are at the centre of the new trade system.
Register now for this free webinar which takes place on 24 November 2021 at 10am AWST. More... Source: Austrade | Photo: Fremantle Ports
WTO: Exporters more likely to survive economic downturns
Firms that participate in trade, especially exports, have a greater likelihood of surviving economic downturns due to their higher productivity, on average, than firms in non-exporting sectors as well as their tendency to have access to more diversified markets, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) said in a new report released this week.
This year’s World Trade Report reviews the role of trade, trade policy and international cooperation in building and supporting economic resilience in the face of natural and man-made disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
It finds that today’s highly connected global economy is more exposed to risks and vulnerable to shocks, from supply chain cut-offs to infectious disease outbreaks, but that it is also more resilient to shocks when they do strike.
The report says if a country’s exports are concentrated in a few products, countries are more vulnerable to a drop in demand for these products. Similarly, if exports are concentrated in few export destinations, destination-specific demand shocks, such as recessions, can have a large impact on export revenues. More... Source and Photo: WTO