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ASEE Surveys - Pre-Annual Conference 2022 Announcements

Dear Colleagues,

Please see below for the latest announcements from the Institutional Research & Analytics department at ASEE.

1. Engineering & Engineering Technology by the Numbers

Engineering & Engineering Technology by the Numbers, 2021 will be published in mid-August. Institutions should see validations reports now. These reports compare data submitted year-to-year and highlight potentially anomalous data. Please review your validation report which can be seen by going to https://survey.asee.org and logging in. You should see this under the validation tab. The reports reflect data submitted as of June 2nd. The report is to help highlight where there are large year-to-year jumps from the prior submission (or programs that were coded differently last year). 

If there are any corrections that need to made, please upload them here:  https://americansocietyforengineeringeducation.shinyapps.io/2019_uploading_app/ .

Profiles 2021 corrections must be received by July 15 in order to be reflected in publications. Corrections received after that date will only be reflected in the Engineering Data Management System.

2. Department of Institutional Research and Analytics at the ASEE 2022 Annual Conference

If you are attending our Annual Conference, our department has two events at the annual meeting that might be of interest:

I. Title: ASEE Data Town Hall

Date: Monday, June 27
Time: 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm

Description: Come hear the initiatives underway from ASEE's Department of Institutional Research & Analytics. There will be three main topics: Potential changes for Profiles 2022; A review of changes made to the faculty salary survey; and the incorporation of student-level data from MIDFIELD into the Profiles Survey. Included in these topics are current changes and potential future changes to better capture professional track faculty data in engineering and engineering technology.

II. Title: ASEE Profiles of Community and Technical Colleges

Date: Tuesday, June 28
Time: 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm

Description: With support from the NSF's ATE program, the ASEE is beginning a new survey of engineering technology programs at Community & Technical Colleges in Summer 2022. This session will cover what data will be collected, how it might inform national and local policy and gaps in the current higher ed data infrastructure.

3. Annual Conference out-of-office and July 4th Holidays

Our department and team will be at the annual meeting from June 24 through June 30, and closed for the July 4th holiday from July 1st through July 4th. Responses to emails and calls will be returned on or after July 5th.


Thank you for your time. As always, please contact data@asee.org for any questions about the above.

Take care,
The IRA Team                                                                               
Department of Institutional Research & Analytics
American Society for Engineering Education
Inspiring Innovation. Advancing Research. Enhancing Education.
data@asee.org | ira.asee.org