Register for the next consumer health forum Aotearoa hui No images? Click here Lend your voice to improve our health system The next consumer health forum Aotearoa hui will be held on 10 November 2022 at Te Papa, Wellington. This event will be an ‘unconference’ style hui, where participants drive what topics are discussed. To register for this event, click here. Tā te kiritaki whai wāhi | Consumer opportunities Want to get involved in co-designing health services and programmes?
More information on how to apply for the opportunities is here. Ngā Tūranga wātea kei te Komihana | Current vacancies at the Commission Senior advisor, He Hoa Tiaki | Partners in Care Do you want to see the perspectives of the community reflected in the design, delivery and evaluation of the health sector? Do you have a passion for writing and striving to improve health outcomes? There is an opportunity to join our productive, fun and energetic team. Applications close Thursday 27 October 2022. Find out more here. Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand Taranaki invited the Commission to meet with their staff, consumer council and executive leadership team in September. It was lovely to connect kanohi ki te kanohi, share progress and see how they are embedding consumer, whānau and community voice into their mahi. Karawhiua! To keep up to date, follow us on our social channels below. |