What's Inside?
- A Message from President Peggy Shannon
- A Message from Alumni Association Vice-President Duane Jones
- Alumni Events
- Alumni News
- Inside NSCAD
- NSCAD in the Community
- Opportunities and Events
Message from President Peggy Shannon, PhD Even in June, NSCAD never stops. Our first summer term is nearly over, the Anna galleries are open, MFA students are at work in their studios and our halls will be soon full of teens and children attending art and design camps. I am hosting alumni meet ups in Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and Berlin this summer, so if you are in the
neighbourhood, please come. I would love to see you! Let’s get together to talk about our wonderful school, past, present, and future. You can read the details on our alumni events page. In July, I will travel with four students to Greece for an intensive summer study program. Please follow their progress on NSCAD’s Instagram account. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they make working with artists and
craftspeople on the island of Hydra! Wishing you a relaxing summer,
Message from Duane Jones (BDes 2004) Alumni Association Vice-President Say No To More Things
I’m guessing that a lot of you may be able to relate this issue that I’m currently dealing with. As creative people, we’re by nature curious and always exploring ideas and opportunities to make. This is fantastic! … until it’s not. If you’re anything like me, you have a LONG list of self initiated projects, ideas or concepts that you would like to explore but can’t ever seem to find the time to get to them. Why is that? Are they barriers that you can control? Or are they barriers that you don’t THINK that you can control, but you actually can? They’re most
likely both. As we enter the full swing of the summer, for me it feels like the opportunities to do cool and things keeps increasing. As I’ve said yes to all the cool things, once again I find myself having the sinking realization that I’m not delivering on all of the commitments that I made and am feeling overwhelmed, stressed and embarrassed that I’m not following through. I read a piece by designer, Jessica Hische a while back about a process she designed to help her decide which projects to take on and which ones not to when they all seem cool. My goal for the next few days is to revisit this
for myself. Not based on how interesting or compelling the proposal is, but taking time alone to reflect on what’s important to me. If you don’t struggle with this issue. I’m jealous of you and we can’t be friends. But for those who can relate, we’re buds! Have a great summer everyone and make sure to prioritize those passion projects! You can see what I’m procrastinating on at ARTPAYSME.com and @artpaysme on Instagram. Read more of Duane's message here.
June 20, 1 p.m. (Atlantic)
Art Work: Translating Mediums.
Join Cal Lane (BFA 2001) and Julie Rosvall (2019) as they discuss taking lace, a craft medium and translating it into a different fine art context through their work in sculpture and printmaking. Hosted by Mollie Cronin (BA 2015) Register here. Have you missed a talk?
Recordings are now online visit our website or YouTube channel to view them.
Housing Help for NSCAD Students in September NSCAD is seeking expressions of interest from alumni in the Halifax area – on a bus route – who have space to rent a room or apartment to a NSCAD student. As of today, we have 30 students in need of housing. Please write to Trina (alumni@nscad.ca) if you are interested and able to help out during the coming academic year which runs from September 2023 – April 2024.
NSCAD in California: Calling all California based alumni. President Peggy Shannon will be visiting LA and San Francisco in June to meet with alumni, supporters and potential partners. She will be hosting a meet and greet in each city and would love to see you there. Please let us know if you are able to join us rsvp@nscad.ca
– Please share with your networks.
Los Angeles – TODAY! Tuesday, June 20, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 1 Pico, Shutters on the Beach, Santa Monica, CA 90405, USA
San Francisco – Thursday, June 22, 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. grace, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 151 3rd St Ground Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
NSCAD in Berlin and London: Save the Date
President Peggy Shannon and Advancement Director Kara Holm will be in Berlin, Germany July 24/25 and London July 27/28. They are looking to connect with alumni. Contact alumni@nscad.ca for more information or to arrange a meeting.
NSCAD Alumni South Shore: Save the Date
Join us for a gathering of alumni, enjoy drinks, snacks and conversation. The works of Robin Muller and Carol Hansen (BFA 1982) will be on display! Captain's House Gallery, 33 Central Street, Chester Sept. 9, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. RSVP@nscad.ca
Exhibition: Terrain, featuring the work of Corinne Redden, Kas Stone, Dan Xu, Jan Hull, Alexander Koltakov, Deb Kuzyk (BFA 1983), Jacques Gaudet and Nat Cann. Opening - June 24, 2023 - 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Until July 30. Ice House Gallery, 31 Creamery Rd, Tatamagouche, NS. See more here.
Exhibition: INNER/OUTER SPACE, Works by: Séamus Gallagher (BFA 2019), Shauna MacLeod (BFA 2011) pictured, Onni Nordman (1991-1995) and Acting Dean Melanie Colosimo. This exhibition challenges us to consider the many elements that encourage human connectivity and engagement, both far-reaching and close to home. 341 Main Street, Yarmouth, NS . See more here.
Exhibition: in combination, Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s 2022-23 Mentorship Program Exhibition. Highlighting the talents of emerging artists AGLENNCO, Sonia Chow (MFA 2022), Gabrielle Theano, and Julie Rosvall (2019), the exhibition also includes work from program mentors Andrea Dorfman (BFA 1995), Leesa Hamilton, Frances Dorsey, and Melanie Colosimo. Opening: June 28, 6pm – 8 pm Craig Gallery,
Alderney Landing 2 Ochterloney St, Dartmouth, NS. See more here.
Awards: The Sobey Art Awards shortlist has been announced, a big congrats to alumni Séamus Gallagher (BFA 2019). The award winner will be announced in November. This year’s overall winner will receive $100,000. Read more here.
Classes: Everything's a Loom with Carley Mullally (BFA 2015). With a few techniques under your belt, anything can become a loom. Students will work at their own pace and skill set, using a variety of materials such as wool, cotton, fishing rope, fabrics, twine and unconventional materials. July 10 – July 14, Lunenburg School of the Arts, 6 Prince Street, Lunenburg. Read more here.
Classes: Crafting the Garden with Gillian Maradyn-Jowsey (BFA 2017). This workshop celebrates the beauty of botanical life in the home and garden. Using a myriad of techniques from slab and coil building to pinching, students will create one of a kind functional pieces. Aug 14 - 18, Lunenburg School of the Arts, 6 Prince Street, Lunenburg. Read more here.
Event: Sable Island - Mi’kma’ki Perspective In-person tour with Sarah Prosper and Geordie Mott (BFA 2000). Join Picture Perfect Tours with award-winning Mi’kmaq artist and dancer Sarah Prosper on July 18th for a unique tourism experience on Sable Island National Park Reserve. We travel by helicopter to learn about Mi’kmaw creation stories, traditional coastal practices. Sarah is a former Parks Canada employee who lived on Sable Island. Read more here.
NSCAD Store Relocation
The NSCAD Art Supply store has moved two doors down to 1870 Hollis Street. Now offering a boutique service to our students and alumni. Visit them in store Tuesday - Saturday from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. or online
NSCAD Pride: We need your help to make this pride season bigger and prouder than ever before. We are looking for anyone who is interested in providing ideas and support in making a float come to life for the parade on July 23rd. Also staff, students and alumni who are interested in participating on the day of the parade. Dawn your rainbows, fringe and glitter, you you will dance, sing and have fun while we strut down the pavement to the musical stylings of our own personal DJ. Interested? Please email
A Tribute: The Pots and Passion of Walter Ostrom. This Event features a diverse series of daily lectures, demonstrations, and informal conversations with some of the world’s leading ceramic practitioners and historians including: Professor Emeritus Walter Ostrom, Doug Bamford (BFA 1995), Joan Bruneau (BFA 1988), Jordan McDonald (BFA 2009), Mat Karas (BFA 2006), Tim Worthington (MFA 1977), Veronika Horlik (MFA 2011) and more. July 3 – July 14 Lunenburg School of the Arts, 6
Prince Street, Lunenburg Read more here.
Call for Submissions: Craft Nova Scotia Members’ Exhibition:
Sustainability Through Craft 2023.
This exhibition will be curated with both works of fine craft and community engagement projects. This combination will be a radical stimulus for the interconnectivity of community, craft, and awareness around sustainability. Deadline: July 30, 11:59 p.m. (ADT) Read more here.
Call for Submissions: Tradition Transformed, this annual juried exhibition now in its 22nd year, calls on artists from across the country to submit work that reimagines the Canadian landscape through the artist’s chosen medium, including but not limited to drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and media arts. Deadline: Aug 11, 2023 Read more here.
Gallery Submissions: NSCAD Art Store's Online Gallery featuring works from students, alumni and staff is now accepting its second collection of submissions for 2023. Submissions for work are on a quarterly rolling basis. Next Deadline June 30. Read more here.
Call for Artist: VANS Mentorship Program 2023. The mentorship is designed to support the individual artistic methods and professional ambitions of emerging artists in Nova Scotia by providing access to the skills and experience of selected mentors.
An opportunity for emerging artists to develop both their creative process and professional skills, thus building the foundation for a successful career in the visual arts. Info Session July 5, Deadline July 17. Read more here.
Call for Submissions: The Body Electric - Digital Art Exhibit, is looking for visual art submissions on the theme of Art and Advocacy, From Caring for Patients to Protecting Our Planet: Advocacy in Residency Education.
Visual art can be submitted in any medium; but will be represented digitally. Deadline July 5. Read more here.
Stay in TouchWe want to hear from you! Please send us your news. What are you working on? Where are you living? What inspires you? Any recent achievements? Use the online form, and tag your work on social media with #keepcreatingNSCAD. Email us at alumni@nscad.ca if you are interested
in being profiled for your work or business.