No images? Click here Oxford Health BRC Newsletter Issue 06Welcome to the April 2024 issue of the Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (OH BRC) newsletter which summarises all recently published news and updates in one place. To feature in future editions email Oxford Health R&D Comms Public Talk: Figuring it out. How patient data can transform diagnosis, treatment and care in the NHSTuesday 16 April at 5:40 pm - 7:15 pm, Rewley House, Oxford In this joint Oxford Health and Oxford BRC talk, Professor Eva Morris will explain how harnessing data appropriately can inform NHS cancer services – and prevent hundreds of deaths every year. Professor Andrea Cipriani will discuss how clinical data can help deliver personalised care for patients with mental health disorders, improving their outcomes and reducing NHS costs. No registration required. All information on OH BRC website. Oxford Health BRC researchers named NIHR Senior Investigator Kam Bhui, Professor of Psychiatry in the University of Oxford and Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lead at Oxford Health BRC, was named a National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator. Professor of Developmental Clinical Psychology in the University of Oxford Experimental Psychology department and Oxford Health BRC Mental Health in Development Theme Lead Cathy Cresswell, was reappointed for a second term as an NIHR Senior Investigator. Congratulations to both colleagues, read more on the OH BRC website. Would you like to run a Sleep Study at Oxford Health Clinical Research Facility?Oxford Health Clinical Research Facility (OH CRF) hosts a variety of sleep studies and can offer two purpose-built sleep rooms, as well as bedroom and bathroom facilities. Both sleep rooms can host adolescents and adults in a safe sleep environment. All information on OH CRF Website. National BRC Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) The Oxford Health and Oxford BRC will be co-chairing the National BRC PPIE Leads group with Sheffield BRC for 2024. Our BRC PPIE Manager Cora Reilly-McGeown and Oxford BRC Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation (PCIEP) lead Rachel Taylor are looking forward to working with Grace Edwards, the Sheffield BRC & CRF PPIE Officer and Professor Adewale Adebajo, Sheffield BRC Executive Member. Joint Oxford Health and Oxford BRC Open Day event! ![]() Blood tests for diagnosing dementia a step closer The University of Oxford and Oxford Health Clinical Research Facility (OH CRF) is involved in nationwide trials to find reliable and fast blood tests that can detect dementia. Research teams will build on recent advances in possible dementia blood tests, and plan to produce the evidence required for them to be used in the NHS within the next five years. University of Oxford and OHFT Dr Vanessa Raymont will lead one of the research teams. Read more on OHFT Web. Race-related research in the Department of Psychiatry As part of the University of Oxfords Department of Psychiatry focus on People and Culture this month, a selection of race-related investigations being undertaken have been highlighted. Read more on the Department of Psychiatry web. OH BRC Data Science Theme in conversation with CEO, Akrivia Health OH BRC Research Coordinator for our Data Science Theme Anthony Quinn, met with Mike Denis Chief Executive at Akrivia Health, a spin-out from the University of Oxford, to discuss the development of Akrivia and the work being carried out in conjunction with our BRC. Read the interview on OH BRC website. Can an antidepressant prevent depression following a traumatic brain injury? A group of researchers including Oxford Health Foundation Trust (OHFT) Dr Vanessa Raymont, have launched a study to investigate whether a mild anti-depressant called sertraline could reduce the incidence of post traumatic brain injury depression (PTD). Read more on OHFT Web. Event: Flux Toolkit – Utilize and interpret MEG data effectively in research and clinical practice New study reveals long-term mental health risks after COVID-19A new study supported by the Oxford BRC aimed to examine the long-term mental health outcomes of COVID-19 patients and the role of vaccination in reducing the risk of psychiatric disorders. The paper was published in Nature Human Behaviour. Read more on the Oxford BRC website. |