No images? Click here ![]() ![]() Some of the events occurring in the Kootenay Boundary Region this September:Join Southern Irrigation and the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food at Fossen Bar 7 Ranch in Rock Creek, BC and learn how to best manage a pivot over forage crops and boost yields while conserving water. EVENT DETAILS
Join the Kootenay Boundary Farm Advisors for their Small Machines for Market Gardening Field Day. Market gardening is very labour intensive and mechanizing field operations can be a time saver but requires specialized tools to fit the right task. First Light Farm has been researching and trialing how field operations can be mechanized with small equipment and they have an impressive collection of small equipment that they integrate into their day to day operations. Come to this field day to hear from farm owners Jesse and Chris who will share their knowledge and demonstrate the tools in action! FREE! Register Here Join Young Agrarians on September 22nd for a full-day farm tour of two innovative Creston farms that have been working hard to reduce their carbon emissions and improve the energy efficiency of their farm infrastructure. This event will include a morning farm tour at Full Circle Farm, a potluck lunch, and an afternoon farm tour of Cartwheel Farm.More info and registration here: Creston Energy Innovation Farm Tour Tickets, Sun, 22 Sep 2024 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite ![]() Looking for Information on Drought?Drought levels as of August 28, 2024. The Kootenay Boundary Region has experienced both improved and stabilizing Drought indicators the past week. However some areas, such as the Kettle basin, have maintained drought level 3 as we enter into low flow conditions in September. Information on provincial drought levels are updated on the B.C. Drought Information Portal on Thursday mornings. Please see the Drought in Agriculture webpage for resources on dealing with drought Updates on BC Tree Fruits Cooperative The BC Fruit Growers’ Association (BCFGA), the BC Cherry Association (BCCA) and the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food formed an emergency table on August 2nd in response to the shutdown of BC Tree Fruits Cooperative. To date, four sub-tables have been created to address critical needs of growers:
The BCFGA and the Ministry are collaborating to provide weekly apple maturity updates and assist growers in preparing for individual food safety audits, which are now required since the BC Tree Fruits Coop group certification is no longer valid. Access the apple maturity information here and food safety details here. Additionally, the Ministry has compiled a list of available packinghouses and a survey to help growers arrange packing services. These resources are accessible here. Information for BC Tree Fruits Cooperative Members To support BC Tree Fruits Cooperative members in finding packing capacity for their fruit, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is collaborating with the BC Tree Fruit Growers Association to identify producer needs and challenges. For those in need of services provided by a packing house, please complete the Impacted Producer Needs Survey below. Your business information will be provided to the packing houses on the list available on the Ministry’s website for them to follow up with you as they wish. By completing and submitting this survey, neither the Ministry nor the packing houses guarantee that a match or an arrangement can be made. Rather than complete the online form, producers who wish to speak to a representative can call the AgriService BC Toll Free line at 1-888-221-7141 (hours are M-F 8:30 to 4:30). A ministry representative will collect their information and pass it along to the packers. Upon request, a Punjabi speaking employee can be available to collect the information. ![]() AgriStability Enhancement Program 2024 ![]() The Government of British Columbia developed the 2024 BC AgriStability Enhancement Program which offers greater coverage and helps agricultural producers manage income losses due to extreme weather, marketing challenges or natural disaster in 2024.
Contact us, dedicated staff are available to assist you with the Enhanced AgriStability Program.
Email: Business Risk Management Programs ![]() B.C.'s agricultural producers face many business risks that are beyond their control (production losses, severe market volatility, extreme weather events or disasters); the Province’s suite of agricultural insurance and income stability programs can help you manage those risks. Herd Management and Feed Considerations As summer transitions into fall weather conditions, herd management and feed considerations are important for winter planning. Effectively monitoring herd health and adjusting feed quality/quantity are critical for making informed management decisions. Balancing these factors can significantly impact both productivity and profitability, especially when considering actions like adjusting herd size and/or feed rations. This article offers strategies for optimizing herd management during challenging conditions such as drought, by focusing on pregnancy testing, early weaning, body condition scoring, and alternative feed sources. Second Intake of the B.C. On-Farm Technology Adoption Program – Accepting Applications Now! ![]() The B.C. On-Farm Technology Adoption Program is live and accepting applications for the second intake until October 6, 2024. The Program provides cost-shared funding to eligible participants to adopt new technologies on-farm to enhance profitability, productivity, and/or efficiency to help alleviate the impacts of labour shortages and rising operational costs. The program is competitive, funding is not guaranteed.
Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program ![]() The next intake of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program will open on September 9th, 2024. For information on eligibility and how to apply, read the Program Guide at B.C. Agri-Business Planning Program ![]() Application intake for the B.C. Agri-Business Planning Program will be opening on Monday September 9, 2024 The B.C. Agri-Business Planning Program (ABPP) provides funding support for primary agricultural producers and agriculture, food and beverage processors to support informed decision making and ensure business development. Funding will be available under two streams: ![]() 1) Agri-business skills and leadership development Eligible Activities: Specialized training, courses, registration, fees, and tuition for:
2) Business planning, preparedness, and disaster recovery Eligible Activities:
To find out more, please visit the Ministry’s website Agriculture Water Infrastructure ProgramStream 3: Assessments, Engineering Studies or Plans Applications for Stream 3 of the Agriculture Water Infrastructure Program are open! Are you a Producer, Improvement District, Local Government, Non-Profit, or Community Group looking to complete an assessment, engineering study or plan before starting a water infrastructure project? You could be eligible for cost-shared funding! BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund ![]() The BC Climate Agri-Solutions Fund (BCCAF) is accepting applications from BC producers! This is your chance to apply for cost-shared funding to implement cover cropping, nitrogen management, and rotational grazing.
Don’t wait to submit your application – applications are open until funding is committed. Accommodation For Employees The Ministry of Agriculture and Food would like to remind producers who have employees living on site, or are providing housing for employees off-site, that the accommodation must abide by the Industrial Camps Regulation. The B.C. Guidelines for Industrial Camps Regulation is a helpful resource that provides guidance, best practices, definitions, and interpretation of the Industrial Camps Regulation. ![]() In July 2024 the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food launched the AgriService BC Crop and Livestock Reporter Program based on the very successful crop reporting programs in Alberta and Saskatchewan. This program is for any agricultural producer or allied tradesperson who enjoys monitoring agricultural production conditions in their area and would like to be part of a network of people contributing timely, local agricultural intel to raise awareness of growing conditions throughout B.C. and support agricultural information sharing. ![]() Just in time for apple season, BC Food Web’s latest research brief, “Preventing and detecting sunburn on ‘Ambrosia’ apples”, offers actionable insights for addressing sunburn browning. The results of this research can help with rootstock selection and post-harvest sorting 🍎 ☀️ Pasture Walks and Field Scouting Whether you have forage fields or pastures, it is important to get out and walk the land to evaluate what is happening throughout the growing season. A quick look at soil health and moisture, along with plant vigour and productivity can help you evaluate what is going on and make decisions on the next steps. This article provides information on pasture walks and field scouting, along with some guiding questions for forecasting and looking ahead. This is the second article in the monthly Livestock Drought Management Article Series. All articles can be found here: Drought articles - Province of British Columbia ( Access to Feed Program Available to all livestock producers. ![]() ![]() Don’t miss out on Early Bird Ticket sale! ![]() ![]() Follow the link below, follow, like and share! |